It works.

Thanks a lot

On Monday 09 June 2003 12:10, Nicholas wrote:
> I went back to reproducs this, and the process was
> this using
> Windows XP Professional
> JBoss jboss-3.2.0_tomcat-4.1.24
> Oracle Enterprise Version
> 1. LoadJava the entire JBoss Client Jar collection
> into  SCOTT.
> <project name="OracleLoadJavaExample" default="all"
> basedir=".">
>       <taskdef name="OracleLoadJava"
> classname="
>"/> </target>
>               <target name="all">
>               <patternset id="all.jars">
>                       <include name="**/*.jar"/>
>               </patternset>
>               <OracleLoadJava oci="on" user="SCOTT/[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
> resolve="on" debug="on" force="no" noverify="on"
> verbose="on" noserverside="on" schema="scott"
> synonym="on" time="on">
>                       <fileset dir="C:/jboss-3.2.0_tomcat-4.1.24/client">
>                               <patternset refid="all.jars"/>
>                       </fileset>
>               </OracleLoadJava>
>       </target>
> </project>
> 2. Recompile all the invalid classes. To do this,
> generate a script with this SQL logged in as SCOTT:
> select 'ALTER JAVA CLASS SCOTT."' || object_name || '"
> COMPILE;' from USER_OBJECTS where object_type in
> ('JAVA CLASS', 'JAVA SOURCE') and status = 'INVALID'
> Run the script that is generated.
> 3. Grant the following rights to SCOTT:
> dbms_java.grant_permission( 'SCOTT',
> '', '<IP ADDRESS>:1024-',
> 'listen,resolve' );
> dbms_java.grant_permission( 'SCOTT',
> '', '<IP ADDRESS>:3495',
> 'connect,accept,resolve' );
>     dbms_java.grant_permission(
> 'SCOTT','SYS:java.lang.RuntimePermission','
>iation.getPrincipalInfo', '' );
>     dbms_java.grant_permission(
> 'SCOTT','',
> 'enableSubstitution', '' );
>     dbms_java.grant_permission( 'SCOTT',
> '','<IP ADDRESS>:8093',
> 'connect,resolve' );
> There may be some extra ones in there. I was also
> trying to communicate with some JMS processes, but
> generally, Oracle will tell you exactly which
> permissions you need in the error message if you fail
> to have one.
> 3. Load EJB. Again, I used the Ant task and loaded the
> JAR I deployed to JBoss and a simple test client of a
> simple EJB:
> EJB:
> import javax.ejb.*;
> public class StringLibBean implements SessionBean {
>   SessionContext sessionContext;
>   public void ejbCreate() throws CreateException {
>   }
>   public void ejbRemove() {
>   }
>   public void ejbActivate() {
>   }
>   public void ejbPassivate() {
>   }
>   public void setSessionContext(SessionContext
> sessionContext) {
>     this.sessionContext = sessionContext;
>   }
>   public String reverse(java.lang.String a) {
>     return new StringBuffer(a).reverse().toString();
>   }
> }
> Client Code:
>   public static String reverse(String ejbName,  String
> message) {
>     System.out.println("reverse(" + ejbName + "," +
> message + ");");
>     try {
>       if(ctx==null) {
>         ctx = getJBossContext();
>         System.out.println("Aha! Connnected To :" +
> ctx.getEnvironment().get(ctx.PROVIDER_URL));
>       }
>       if(home == null) {
>         System.out.println("Looking Up:" + ejbName);
>         Object obj = ctx.lookup(ejbName);
>         System.out.println("Found Object Ref:" + obj);
>         home = (StringLibHome)obj;
>         System.out.println("Cast to Home");
>       }
>       remote = home.create();
>       String tmp = remote.reverse(message);
>       System.out.println("StringLib.reverse Result:" +
> tmp);
>       return tmp;
>     }
>     catch (Exception ex) {
>       System.err.println("Exception:" + ex);
>       ex.printStackTrace();
>       return null;
>     }
>   }
>   public static Context getJBossContext() throws
> Exception {
>     Properties p = new Properties();
>     p.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, "localhost:1099");
> p.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY,"org.jnp.interfaces.NamingContextFact
>ory"); return new InitialContext(p);
>   }
> 4. Recompiled invalid Java Classes again.
> 5. Created test SQL Script  (testreverse.sql):
> connect scott/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>       AA VARCHAR2(30) := 'NULL';
>     dbms_java.set_output(10000);
>     AA := REVERSE('StringLib', 'Calling JBoss From
> PLSQL');
>     dbms_output.put_line('Reversed ='|| AA);
> END;
> /
> exit
> /
> 6. Created test command file (reverse.cmd):
> @echo off
> cls
> sqlplus /NOLOG @testreverse.sql
> 7. Ran the command file:
> C:\test>reverse
> SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Mon Jun 9
> 06:07:03 2003
> Copyright (c) 1982, 2002, Oracle Corporation.  All
> rights reserved.
> Connected.
> reverse(StringLib,Calling JBoss From PLSQL);
> Aha! Connnected To :localhost:1099
> Looking Up:StringLib
> Found Object Ref:StringLibHome
> Cast to Home
> StringLib.reverse Result:LQSLP morF ssoBJ gnillaC
> Reversed =LQSLP morF ssoBJ gnillaC
> PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
> Disconnected from Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release
> - Production
> With the Partitioning, OLAP and Oracle Data Mining
> options
> JServer Release - Production
> I found Oracle to be a little unstable when testing
> this, but once it is loaded and all the classes are
> fully compiled in Oracle, it is pretty snappy.
> //Nicholas
> --- Guy Rouillier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Nicholas and Stephano, I've tried to get this
> > working numerous times in
> > the past, but I'm still not there.  You can find my
> > previous posts on
> > this by searching the archives.
> >
> > Nicholas, I can load the JBoss classes into the
> > Oracle JVM using
> > loadjava.  But whenever I try to run the simplest
> > EJB invocation, I get
> > all kinds of errors.  Have you successfully invoked
> > a method on an EJB
> > running under JBoss from within an Oracle stored
> > procedure?  If so, I
> > would very much like details on how you did this.
> > Would make a great
> > HOWTO for this group.  Thanks.
> >
> > Nicholas wrote:
> > > Stefano;
> > >
> > > I have had some luck loading classes using a
> >
> > custom
> >
> > > Ant task.  It is really just a wrapper for
> >
> > LoadJava
> >
> > > but easier to use if you are Ant inclined. It
> >
> > looks
> >
> > > like this:
> > >   <patternset id="oracle.load.classes">
> > >           <include name="jbossall-client.jar"/>
> > >   </patternset>
> > >   <target name="LoadJBossToOracle">
> > >           <OracleLoadJava oci="on"
> >
> >
> > > resolve="on" debug="on" force="on" noverify="on"
> > > verbose="on" noserverside="on" schema="scott"
> > > synonym="on" time="on">
> > >                   <fileset
> >
> > dir="C:/jboss-3.2.0_tomcat-4.1.24/client">
> >
> > >                           <patternset refid="oracle.load.classes"/>
> > >                   </fileset>
> > >                   <grant name="scott"/>
> > >           </OracleLoadJava>
> > >   </target>
> > >
> > > The keys are the following:
> > >
> > > 1. Defer resolution until the second pass. (set
> > > resolve="on")
> > > 2. Recompile all classes when you are done. You
> >
> > can
> >
> > > generate a script to do this as follows:
> > >
> > > select 'ALTER JAVA CLASS <USER NAME>."' ||
> >
> > object_name
> >
> > > || '" COMPILE;' from ALL_OBJECTS where object_type
> >
> > in
> >
> > > NAME>'
> > >
> > > Run the output as a SQL script. It will take quite
> >
> > a
> >
> > > long time.......
> > >
> > > Anyways, email me off line and I'll send you the
> >
> > Ant
> >
> > > tasks, examples and doc.
> > >
> > > //Nicholas
> > >
> > >
> > > --- Stefano Maestri <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > >
> > > wrote:
> > >>We are trying to write a java Stored procedure for
> > >>oracle that call a session
> > >>bean. We are experiencing some troble because when
> > >>we set the InitialContext
> > >>we get an error because
> > >>org.jnp.interfaces.NamingContextFactory is not
> > >>present in Aurora. We tryied to load it (extracted
> > >>from jbossall-client.jar),
> > >>but Oracle failed to resolve that class. We tryied
> > >>also to load all
> > >>jbossall-client.jar with a lot of resolving error.
> > >>Ideas? Domeone had already did something like
> >
> > that.
> >
> > >>We are using Jboss-3.2.1
> > >>for the bean (and for the jabossall-client.jar)
> >
> > and
> >
> > >>Oracle 9.2 on HP-UX for
> > >>the DB.
> > >>Thanks a lot for the attention.
> > >>
> > >>P.S.: We had not also javax.ejb in Aurora, but it
> > >>load correctly.
> > >>
> > >>--
> > >>--------------- all work and no play makes Jack a
> > >>dull boy ---------------
> > >>bye Stefano
> > >>
> > >>          MSN messanger: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > >>          ICQ uin: 122192578
> > >>          Jabber: canezen
> > >>  Yahoo MSN: canezen
> > >>          #jedit IRC channel as <maeste>
> -------------------------------------------------------
> > >>This email is sponsored by:  Etnus, makers
> >
> > of
> >
> > >>TotalView, The best
> > >>thread debugger on the planet. Designed with
> >
> > thread
> >
> > >>debugging features
> > >>you've never dreamed of, try TotalView 6 free at
> > >>
> > >>_______________________________________________
> > >>JBoss-user mailing list
> > > =====
> > > Nicholas Whitehead
> > > Home: (973) 377 9335
> > > Cell: (201) 615 2716
> > > Get Your News From The Crowbar:
> >
> >
> -------------------------------------------------------
> > > This email is sponsored by:  Etnus, makers
> >
> > of TotalView, The best
> >
> > > thread debugger on the planet. Designed with
> >
> > thread debugging features
> >
> > > you've never dreamed of, try TotalView 6 free at
> >
> >
> >
> > > _______________________________________________
> > > JBoss-user mailing list
> > --
> > Guy Rouillier
> -------------------------------------------------------
> > This email is sponsored by:  Etnus, makers of
> > TotalView, The best
> > thread debugger on the planet. Designed with thread
> > debugging features
> > you've never dreamed of, try TotalView 6 free at
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > JBoss-user mailing list
> =====
> Nicholas Whitehead
> Home: (973) 377 9335
> Cell: (201) 615 2716
> Get Your News From The Crowbar:
> -------------------------------------------------------
> This email is sponsored by:  Etnus, makers of TotalView, The best
> thread debugger on the planet. Designed with thread debugging features
> you've never dreamed of, try TotalView 6 free at
> _______________________________________________
> JBoss-user mailing list

--------------- all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy --------------- 
bye Stefano 
        MSN messanger: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
        ICQ uin: 122192578
        Jabber: canezen
        Yahoo MSN: canezen
        #jedit IRC channel as <maeste> 

This email is sponsored by:  Etnus, makers of TotalView, The best
thread debugger on the planet. Designed with thread debugging features
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