I wrote the OracleLoadJava task. I just have not got
around to submitting it. 

I wanted to write a whole set of PL/SQL-JBoss services
so I figured I would just load the whole JBoss client
dir, but I also noticed a large number of invalid

I think we just have to ramp up the complexity of the
calls and track what's needed where and for what. I
will start docuemnting what you have here and we
should compare notes periodically, and I'll put them
on a wiki somewhere.

Agreed ?


--- Guy Rouillier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Nicholas, I finally got around to trying this, and
> it works - thanks!  I 
> struggled with this for about 6 months and got
> nowhere (including 
> working with someone inside Oracle!)  I had to go
> through several 
> iterations and fix missing permissions identified in
> udump.  I really 
> should delete all Java permissions and start from
> scratch to identify 
> exactly what is needed; I have a bunch already in
> there from when I 
> tried the last time.  A couple of points/questions:
> (1) Where did you find the OracleLoadJava task for
> Ant?
> (2) I loaded all JBoss-3.2.1/client jars *except*
> jbossall-client.jar 
> (figuring it was redundant).  Again, I'll probably
> start from scratch to 
> see if I can pare down what is needed.  After
> recompiling the INVALID 
> classes, I'm still showing 488 classes that are
> marked INVALID.  Many of 
> them look pretty fundamental (i.e., necessary), so
> I'm wondering once we 
> move beyond a trivial example if this will continue
> to work.
> (3) Your steps say to recompile these INVALID
> classes.  I found that the 
> following accomplishes the same thing, and gets done
> much faster:
> - First, load all the jar files without resolving. 
> Don't know how to do 
> this in Ant, but from a command line you can do it
> like this:
>         call loadjava -user GUYR/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> concurrent.jar
> - Then make a second pass through all the jars, this
> time invoking the 
> resolver.  This looks like this:
>        call loadjava -resolve -resolver "((* GUYR)
> (* PUBLIC))" -user 
> GUYR/[EMAIL PROTECTED] concurrent.jar
> Nicholas wrote:
> > I went back to reproducs this, and the process was
> > this using 
> > Windows XP Professional
> > JBoss jboss-3.2.0_tomcat-4.1.24
> > Oracle Enterprise Version
> > 
> > 1. LoadJava the entire JBoss Client Jar collection
> > into  SCOTT.
> > <project name="OracleLoadJavaExample"
> default="all"
> > basedir=".">
> >     <taskdef name="OracleLoadJava"
> >
> >     </target>
> >             <target name="all">
> >             <patternset id="all.jars">
> >                     <include name="**/*.jar"/>
> >             </patternset>
> >             <OracleLoadJava oci="on" user="SCOTT/[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
> > resolve="on" debug="on" force="no" noverify="on"
> > verbose="on" noserverside="on" schema="scott"
> > synonym="on" time="on">
> >                     <fileset
> dir="C:/jboss-3.2.0_tomcat-4.1.24/client">
> >                             <patternset refid="all.jars"/>
> >                     </fileset>
> >             </OracleLoadJava>
> >     </target>
> > </project>
> > 
> > 2. Recompile all the invalid classes. To do this,
> > generate a script with this SQL logged in as
> > 
> > select 'ALTER JAVA CLASS SCOTT."' || object_name
> || '"
> > COMPILE;' from USER_OBJECTS where object_type in
> > ('JAVA CLASS', 'JAVA SOURCE') and status =
> > 
> > Run the script that is generated.
> > 
> > 3. Grant the following rights to SCOTT:
> > 
> > dbms_java.grant_permission( 'SCOTT',
> > 'SYS:java.net.SocketPermission', '<IP
> ADDRESS>:1024-',
> > 'listen,resolve' ); 
> > dbms_java.grant_permission( 'SCOTT',
> > 'SYS:java.net.SocketPermission', '<IP
> ADDRESS>:3495',
> > 'connect,accept,resolve' );
> >     dbms_java.grant_permission(
> >
> > '' );
> >     dbms_java.grant_permission(
> > 'SCOTT','SYS:java.io.SerializablePermission',
> > 'enableSubstitution', '' );
> >     dbms_java.grant_permission( 'SCOTT',
> > 'SYS:java.net.SocketPermission','<IP
> ADDRESS>:8093',
> > 'connect,resolve' );
> > 
> > There may be some extra ones in there. I was also
> > trying to communicate with some JMS processes, but
> > generally, Oracle will tell you exactly which
> > permissions you need in the error message if you
> fail
> > to have one.
> > 
> > 3. Load EJB. Again, I used the Ant task and loaded
> the
> > JAR I deployed to JBoss and a simple test client
> of a
> > simple EJB:
> > 
> > EJB: 
> > 
> > import javax.ejb.*;
> > public class StringLibBean implements SessionBean
> {
> >   SessionContext sessionContext;
> >   public void ejbCreate() throws CreateException {
> >   }
> >   public void ejbRemove() {    
> >   }
> >   public void ejbActivate() {    
> >   }
> >   public void ejbPassivate() {    
> >   }
> >   public void setSessionContext(SessionContext
> > sessionContext) {
> >     this.sessionContext = sessionContext;
> >   }
> >   public String reverse(java.lang.String a) {
> >     return new
> StringBuffer(a).reverse().toString();
> >   }
> > }
> > 
> > 
> > Client Code:
> > 
> >   public static String reverse(String ejbName, 
> String
> > message) {
> >     System.out.println("reverse(" + ejbName + ","
> +
> > message + ");");
> >     try {
> >       if(ctx==null) {
> >         ctx = getJBossContext();
> >         System.out.println("Aha! Connnected To :"
> +
> > ctx.getEnvironment().get(ctx.PROVIDER_URL));
> >       }
> >       if(home == null) {
> >         System.out.println("Looking Up:" +
> ejbName);
> >         Object obj = ctx.lookup(ejbName);
> >         System.out.println("Found Object Ref:" +
> obj);
> >         home = (StringLibHome)obj;
> >         System.out.println("Cast to Home");
> >       }
> >       remote = home.create();
> >       String tmp = remote.reverse(message);
> >       System.out.println("StringLib.reverse
> Result:" +
> > tmp);
> >       return tmp;
> >     }
> >     catch (Exception ex) {
> >       System.err.println("Exception:" + ex);
> >       ex.printStackTrace();
> >       return null;
> >     }
> >   }
> >   public static Context getJBossContext() throws
> > Exception {
> >     Properties p = new Properties();
> >     p.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, "localhost:1099");
> >    
> >
> >     return new InitialContext(p);
> >   }
=== message truncated ===

Nicholas Whitehead
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