Its not likely the j2ee declarative security fits here as there
is no notion of reauthentication, and frankly, I don't know what
it means here either. You would have to describe the user case in
more detail.

Scott Stark
Chief Technology Officer
JBoss Group, LLC

Neal Sanche wrote:

Hi All,

One of the many mysteries that I haven't yet come to understand about securing web applications is the following:

Is it possible, with default web container security and JAAS domains, to allow a user to automatically log into a web application as 'Guest' and then at some later time allow them to log into the application as a registered user to unlock certain features of the web application based on their 'roles'.

So far, I've only been able to set a web security policy on an entire web application, or various parts of the web application, which forces the user to log in, showing either a FORM login, or a BASIC login whenever a user hits one of these 'barriers'.

Is there a way to set up JAAS so that a user's identity is assumed to be 'guest' until such time as the user reauthenticates?

Or is the J2EE built-in security model not used for this type of scenario? Is a custom security model (with cookies filters) the only way to write this type of security?

Thanks for any pointers you can give me.


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