That is a trival check based on is there an authenticated user as
indicated by the getUserPrincipal() method returning null. If that
is all you want j2ee declarative security will work fine. This is
not what I would call reauthentication as the user has not accessed
any secured pages. When they do, the will at that point be authenticated
and the getUserPrincipal() will return who they are.

Scott Stark
Chief Technology Officer
JBoss Group, LLC

Neal Sanche wrote:

Okay, I've seen such applications, including that on When you initially arrive at the site, you are 'guest' which means you have been given a session, but have not authenticated. Then you can 'login' and then see other features of the application that weren't there when you weren't logged in. I'm guessing that none of this is done with J2EE and JAAS base authentication. This is simple session based stuff instead.

I'm just wondering if J2EE security can be used to get the same effect in JBoss, or not.


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