
I've had a search through this list's archives, and haven't found a
definite resolution to this issue.

We're seeing this warning on a very low-traffic site, and while it hasn't
caused any significant issues so far I don't want to run into the memory
leakage problems reported elsewhere.

A rummage through the (v3.2.1) source code has caused me to post the
following, in the hope that someone more familiar with the source can

BeanLockManager.getLock() is documented with the warning:
* WARNING: All access to this method MUST have an equivalent removeLockRef
* cleanup call, or this will create a leak in the map,

Now, JDBCStoreManager.fieldStateEventCallback() and
JDBCStoreManager.getOptimisticLock() both call BeanLockManager.getLock()
*without* calling BeanLockManager.removeLockRef(); instead they call
removeRef() directly on the lock. Is it possible that this is causing the
map of locks in the lock manager to grow?

Someone more familiar with the processes and server state when these
methods are called may be able to assert whether or not this is
in fact the case. Anyone?


On Wed, 4 Feb 2004 at 3:20pm, Marek Lange wrote:

> After switching from 3.0.6 to 3.2.3 we experience warning messages in
> our logfiles:
> WARN [org.jboss.ejb.plugins.AbstractInstanceCache] Unable to passivate
> due to ctx lock, id=

Roy Britten
National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research
PO Box 8602, Christchurch, New Zealand
P: +64-3-343-7818
F: +64-3-348-5548

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