
I'm using the JBoss server as a client of a "Smalltalk" webservice. I did not 
want to deploy stubs on the JBoss server with the EJB's. I want to use just the 
material JBoss offers to use an stateless session bean as a client. So I 
deployed a stateless session bean with 2 service-ref elements. The first for 
using with dynamic proxy, the second for using with DII.

Dynamic proxy

  | InitialContext context = new InitialContext();
  | WOnSoapInterface_Service service = (WOnSoapInterface_Service) 
  | WOnSoapInterface_PortType port = service.getWOnSoapInterface();
  | result = port.getDomainInformation(clientId, domain);


  | InitialContext context = new InitialContext();
  | Service service = (Service) 
  | QName port = new QName("ns:WOnSoapInterface", "WOnSoapInterface");
  | QName operation = new QName("ns:WOnSoapInterface", "GetDomainInformation");
  | Call call = service.createCall(port, operation);
  | Object[] inputParams = new Object[] {clientId, domain};
  | result = (String) call.invoke(inputParams);

I do deploy the WSDL document of the "Smalltalk" webservice in the 
META-INF/wsdl directory of the EJB deployment.
I also have a XML mapping file for converting complex values.
When the deployed WSDL document is pointing to an HTTP URL in the service 
element the web service is working fine and I'm getting a good result from the 
dynamic proxy approach and from the DII approach.

The also have the same service running over HTTPS. (= test) So changing the 
HTTP URL into the HTTPS URL then I'm getting the time out error.

I also told that calling the HTTPS webservice with client stubs generated with 
wscompile also returns a good result.

Any idea what I'm forgetting or something else?


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