I spent a few more hours this morning trying to track down this baffling
Windoze2K woe.  Instead of debugging my target app I attempted to debug a
simple HelloWorld.java app with some added local variables for the thrill of
it. However I got the same results with either my target or the HelloWorld.

One shortcoming I have is that I am new to JDE therefore I'm not sure what
"correct" behavior is supposed to look like.  I'm hoping the info below may
be a clue to those experts in the "know".

*  The jde-bug-sio-connect-delay variable has a different effect if it is
<=14 or >14.   If I set it equal or less than 14 I get the message:
"(jde-dbo-message 1 "Debugger connected to standard I/O socket.")" in the
last line of the JDEbug buffer.   If I set it to 15 or greater then the last
line of the JDEbug buffer contains "(jde-dbo-error 1 "Gave up waiting for
Emacs to connect to SIO port...")"
(I've included the full *JDEbug* buffer's for the <=14 and >14 variables

I have done this well over 20 times with one large app and a simple app and
it has been 100% consistent.  Why would the jde-bug-sio-connect-delay have
this effect?

> What happens if you hit the carriage returns in the *JDEbug* buffer?
* After a JDEbug->Launch Application I cannot get to the JDEbug buffer for
the number of seconds that the jde-bug-sio-connect-delay  is set to.  So if
it is set to 14 then it takes 14 secs to do a Ctrl-x b *JDEbug* to get to
the *JDEbug* buffer.  So I cannot type carriage return in the *JDEbug*
buffer because emacs is not responding.

* Since upgrading to SP2 I no longer get the "No response to command 1.
(process = 1; > timeout = 30> >sec.)" in the minibuffer.  It just quietly

* The changing of the jde-bug-debugger-host-address to doesn't
appear to make a difference over the using computer name.

> What version of the JDK are you using?


========================================== START jde-bug-sio-connect-delay
<= 14 ====================================
cd c:/jdk1.3.0_02/bin/
javaw -classpath
ols.jar jde.debugger.Main


JDE> -1 1 launch 1 -vmexec javaw -classic -classpath
0_02/lib/tools.jar;c:/jdk1.3.0_02/bin  HelloWorld  

(jde-dbo-message 1 "VM options: '-classic '")

1 "Launched VM Java Debug Interface (Reference Implementation) version 1.3 
Java Debug Wire Protocol (Reference Implementation) version 1.0
JVM Debug Interface version 1.0
JVM version 1.3.0_02 (Classic VM, native threads, nojit)")

(jde-dbo-message 1 "initSIOConnect: starting standard I/O handshake.")

(jde-dbo-message 1 "initSIOConnect: starting SIO connect thread.")

(jde-dbo-command-result 1 1525)

1 "Debugger waiting for Emacs to connect to app SIO port 1525.")

1 "all"
(list "Thread" 1 "main" "runnable" "suspended by debugger"
(list 'jde-dbo-vm-start-event))

(jde-dbo-message 1 "Debugger connected to standard I/O socket.")
========================================== END jde-bug-sio-connect-delay  <=
14 ====================================

========================================== START jde-bug-sio-connect-delay
>14 ====================================
cd c:/jdk1.3.0_02/bin/
javaw -classpath
ols.jar jde.debugger.Main


JDE> -1 1 launch 1 -vmexec javaw -classic -classpath
0_02/lib/tools.jar;c:/jdk1.3.0_02/bin  HelloWorld  

(jde-dbo-message 1 "VM options: '-classic '")

1 "Launched VM Java Debug Interface (Reference Implementation) version 1.3 
Java Debug Wire Protocol (Reference Implementation) version 1.0
JVM Debug Interface version 1.0
JVM version 1.3.0_02 (Classic VM, native threads, nojit)")

(jde-dbo-message 1 "initSIOConnect: starting standard I/O handshake.")

1 "all"
(list "Thread" 1 "main" "runnable" "suspended by debugger"
(list 'jde-dbo-vm-start-event))

(jde-dbo-message 1 "initSIOConnect: starting SIO connect thread.")

(jde-dbo-command-result 1 1705)

1 "Debugger waiting for Emacs to connect to app SIO port 1705.")

(jde-dbo-error 1 "Gave up waiting for Emacs to connect to SIO port: 1705")
========================================== END jde-bug-sio-connect-delay
>14 ====================================

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Paul Kinnucan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2001 9:48 PM
> To: Mandler, George
> Subject: Re: Any solutions for the "Gave up waiting for Emacs 
> to connect
> to SIO port: " Win2K woes 
> At 07:19 PM 5/29/2001 -0400, you wrote:
> >Hi,
> >I've spent way too many hours attempting to get JDEbug working under
> >Windoze2K.  I've searched the archives and found some emails 
> from the fall
> >suggesting changing jde-bug-sio-connect-delay and
> >jde-bug-debugger-host-address , but that didn't seem to make 
> a difference.
> >Hitting return in the *JDEbug* buffer didn't make a 
> difference either.
> >Recently there were postings on Apr 27th about this bug and 
> someone said it
> >doesn't happen with straight Win2K, but did happen with SP1, 
> I can't revert
> >back to the original Win2K, so I installed SP2, but 
> unfortunately it still
> >occurs.  Running it from the command line also gives me the 
> port connection
> >failure.
> >
> >The symptoms are similar to what other unfortunate souls 
> developing under
> >Win2K have experienced.  It doesn't connect to the port and 
> the minibuffer
> >will display the "No response to command 1. (process = 1; 
> timeout = 30
> >sec.)" in the minibuffer if I don't hit those carriage returns in the
> >*JDEbug* buffer.
> What happens if you hit the carriage returns in the *JDEbug* buffer?
> What version of the JDK are you using?
> This bug is very frustrating for me because I have NEVER 
> experienced it in
> two years of using JDEbug on Solaris and Windows 95, 
> Millenium, and NT. But
> there is hope. My office machine is scheduled to be upgrade 
> to Win2k within
> the next two weeks.
> - Paul 

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