Keep in mind one of the big downsides of VAJ is that it stores code in its
own proprietary repository format.  So there are no *.java or *.class
files on your disk (unless you explicitly export them, and who wants to do
that every session?)  So that means no grepping through code, no executing
sed transforms or any other unixy tool you might be in the habit of using.
It also means that everybody on your team has to use it or else it makes t
difficult to integrate (e.g. our team's auto build process uses gnu make
and jikes, will it compile there if it compiled on VAJ? Not always).

I also learned at javaONE that the next version of VAJ will support a
pluggable VM, so that as Java updates itself, VAJ will continue to support
it.  The primary reason that I don't use my copy of VAJ now is that it
only supports Java1.1 (and I was unable to get demo disks of version 3.5,
which supports Java2, at the show).


Tue, 12 Jun 2001, Daniel Hegyi wrote:

> Hi,
> At my job I was forced to use Visual Age for Java, and I must say that I'm
> pleasantly surprised. The editor has customizable Emacs key bindings (more
> or less). Most importantly, there is no compile command, after every save
> only the new code is compiled in the background. It is very fast! Would such
> iterative compilation be difficult to integrate into the JDE?
> Is the purpose of Emacs and JDE mostly to give a nice environment for those
> users who don't have much space, speed, and don't have admin rights on their
> machine?
> Regards,
> Daniel
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