--- Douglas WF Acheson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
>   Since no one has replied to my other email I kinda figured that I
> would not get help with Xemacs, so I downloaded Emacs 20.7 and am
> running that to get JDEBug to work.  As it turns out I again cannot
> get
> it to work.  I have stripped everything out of my .emacs to try to
> understand and still nothing.
>   Again, I can launch the debugger and start the process and with no
> break points it runs to completion (a simple hello world program). 
> If
> I set a breakpoint (after I launch the debugger) I cannot step
> through
> the code (the step-into etc) are all grayed out.  The continue menu
> items is active.  Id just do not understand.  Please help.
> Douglas WF Acheson
> this is my .emacs file
> (add-to-list 'load-path (expand-file-name
> "~/lib/emacs/jde/v2.2.8beta1/lisp"))
> (add-to-list 'load-path (expand-file-name "~/lib/emacs/eieio/v0.16"))
> (add-to-list 'load-path (expand-file-name "~/lib/emacs/elib/v1.0"))
> (add-to-list 'load-path (expand-file-name
> "~/lib/emacs/semantic/v1.4beta7"))
> (add-to-list 'load-path (expand-file-name
> "~/lib/emacs/speedbar/v0.14beta1"))
> (require 'jde)
> (defun java-startup ()
>   (turn-on-auto-fill)                            ; load
> auto-file-mode)
>   (setq-default indent-tabs-mode nil)            ; do not want to use
> tabs
>   (setq c-auto-newline nil)                      ; set 'C' coding
> style
> ;  (c-set-style "dwfa-java")
> ) ; end defun
> ;(c-add-style "dwfa-java"
> ;  '("java"
> ;     (c-basic-offset . 2)
> ;     (c-backslash-column .49)
> ;     (c-offsets-alist
> ;       (case-label . +)
> ;       (substatement-open  . 0)
> ;     )
> ;     (c-hanging-braces-alist
> ;       (block-open        before after)
> ;       (substatement-open before after)
> ;     )
> ;     (comment-column . 49)
> ;     (fill-column    . 79)
> ;   )
> ;)
> (custom-set-variables
>   '(jde-db-option-classpath (quote
>                               (
>                                 "C:\Home\Projects\test"
>                               )
>                             )
>    )
>   '(jde-bug-jdk-directory "C:/Apps/java/se/v1.3.0")
>   '(jde-bug-jre-home      "C:/Apps/java/se/v1.3.0/jre")
>   '(jde-db-source-directories (quote
>                                 (
>                                   "C:\Home\Projects\test"
>                                 )
>                               )
>    )
>   '(jde-bug-vm-executable (quote ("java")))
>   '(jde-db-debugger (quote
>                       (
>                         "JDEbug" "" . "Executable"
>                       )
>                     )
>    )
>   '(jde-bug-vm-includes-jpda-p t)
>   '(jde-bug-debugger-host-address "")
> )
> =====
> Douglas WF Acheson
> __________________________________________________
> Do You Yahoo!?
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  Thanks to the responses.  To answer some of the questions put to me. 
I have SP2 for Windows 2000 installed, saw that thread and got it.

I am using JDK v1.3.0 for everything.

I have tried setting the break point before starting the debugger,
after starting the debugger, before and after launching the
application.  All with the same result :-(  The breakpoint is ignored
and the program completes successfully.

I am using javac not jikes.

I really do appreciate all the help, I am just a little frustrated as
to why I cannot get it to work :-(

Here is the outputfrom  *Messages*
 menu-bar JDEbug Processes Start Debugger
 Fontifying *JDEbug*...
 Fontifying *JDEbug*... (regexps....)
 menu-bar JDEbug Processes Start Debugger
 Debugger started successfully.
 Breakpoint set at line 15 in class A.java.

Here is the output from *JDEBug*
 cd c:/Home/Projects/test/
 javaw -classpath


 JDE> -1 1 launch 1 -vmexec java -home c:/Apps/java/se/v1.3.0/jre
-classpath c:/Home/Projects/test  ca.dwfa.A  

1 "Launched VM Java Debug Interface (Reference Implementation) version
Java Debug Wire Protocol (Reference Implementation) version 1.0
JVM Debug Interface version 1.0
JVM version 1.3.0 (Classic VM, native threads, nojit)")

 (jde-dbo-message 1 "initSIOConnect: starting standard I/O handshake.")

 (jde-dbo-message 1 "initSIOConnect: starting SIO connect thread.")

 (jde-dbo-command-result 1 1744)

1 "Debugger waiting for Emacs to connect to app SIO port 1744.")

1 "all"
 (list "Thread" 1 "main" "runnable" "suspended by debugger"
 (list 'jde-dbo-vm-start-event))

 (jde-dbo-message 1 "Debugger connected to standard I/O socket.")

 JDE> 1 2 break absolute A.java 15

 (jde-dbo-command-result 2 0)

 JDE> 1 3 run

 (jde-dbo-command-result 3)

 (jde-dbo-message 1 "Closed transport for application's standard

 (jde-dbo-message 1 "Closed transport for application's standard error

 (jde-dbo-event-set 1 "none" nil
 (list 'jde-dbo-vm-death-event))

 (jde-dbo-event-set 1 "none" nil
 (list 'jde-dbo-vm-disconnected-event))

Douglas WF Acheson

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