Robert Mecklenburg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> - I tried setting compilation-error-regexp-alist like this:
>       (setq compilation-error-regexp-alist
>        (append compilation-error-regexp-alist
>         (list '("\\bat \\(com\\.cimsoft.*\\)(\\([^:]+\\):\\([0-9]+\\))" 2 3))))
>   But compilation-mode cannot find the file (although once you tell it
>   where the file it is, it takes you to the proper line).  I have been
>   unable to discover how to let compilation-mode discover the file
>   location itself.

You need to set the variable 'compilation-search-path' to include the
directories for your project.

> - A really good implementation of next-error would also be able to
> garb source files out of source jars (such as the jdk1.3.1/src.jar
> file). But right now that's definitely icing on the cake. So as a
> fall back it would be nice for the function to skip stack trace
> lines for which source code is not available.

You can just hit ^G at the prompt for a file that is not found.

> Obviously, I have many possibilities. I'd rather not come up with
> yet another custom hack, rather I'd like to do the Right Thing (tm)
> wrt compilation-mode.

As usual, It's Been Done, but you have to know where to look :).

-- Stephe

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