Hi Max,

Okay, there is an inherent ambiguity in the term
compilation buffer that is confusing this discussion.

The JDEE does not use the standard Emacs compile command for
compilation or for running applications. It would be helpful in the
future discussion of this capability if people would use the term
"build" buffer.

What you are asking for would require modification
of the JDEE's various build commands.

- Paul

Max Rydahl Andersen writes:
 > Hello Paul,
 > ok, I just thought I had send you an explanation - but well, here it
 > goes :)
 > The project I am working on is using ant to do all the
 > compile/build/run our project. Thus we are not using JDE's build in
 > compile/run facility but "just" the jde-build function.
 > And when one uses the jde-build function the resulting output always
 > ends up in the *compilation* buffer. Thus when I run my program I call
 > jde-build and choose my "run" target in my ant script, and hence
 > possibly some stacktrace will end up in the *compilation* buffer - the
 > same goes for my compile (which might not just be a simple javac
 > compile, but also a run of antlr og my own sourcegenerating code which
 > also can dump stacktraces).
 > So you see - it would be really nice to always have the etrace-stuff
 > activated in a jde-related compilation buffer which has been created
 > by e.g. when invoking jde-build.
 > /max
 > Monday, June 10, 2002, 5:26:22 PM, you wrote:
 > Paul> Max Rydahl Andersen writes:
 > Paul>  > This is exactly the same issue/question I raised earlier on, when one is
 > Paul>  > using e.g. ant to run the java application - then the trace is in the
 > Paul>  > standard compilation buffer (and thus the run-etrace stuff is not activated
 > Paul>  > properly).......
 > Paul>  > 
 > Paul>  > I looked high and low for a possibility to activate the etrace stuff in any
 > Paul>  > compilation buffer and the only solution I could find was the following:
 > Paul>  > 
 > Paul>  >   (global-set-key [f8] 'jde-run-etrace-show-at-point)
 > Paul>  >   (global-set-key [S-f8] 'jde-run-etrace-next)
 > Paul>  >   (global-set-key [C-f8] 'jde-run-etrace-prev)
 > Paul>  > 
 > Paul>  > 
 > Paul>  > Which binds the f8 key to do something usefull - if the current buffer
 > Paul>  > contains some java stack trace.
 > Paul>  > 
 > Paul>  > Hope it can help (I would prefer the options which are available for running
 > Paul>  > a program also is availble when building/compiling - would make a life much
 > Paul>  > easier :)
 > Paul>  > 
 > Paul> Could you please explain to me how it is possible to get an exception
 > Paul> trace in a compilation buffer? I've asked this question before and
 > Paul> have gotten no answer.
 > Paul> - Paul
 > -- 
 > Best regards,
 >  Max                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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