Henry S. Thompson wrote:
> OK, so Klaus's guess _appears_ to be backwards.
> To recap:  I had gotten rid of the problem by setting both
>   ecb-prescan-directories-for-emptyness nil
>   ecb-vc-enable-support nil
> Klaus said he suspected prescan, so I turned vc-support back on --
> hang comes back!
> So I turned it off again, and enabled the emptyness scan -- no hang.
> So my current belief is that it's the vc support that's the problem,
> not the emptyness check.  Which is slightly more plausible if only
> because vc support is new and emptyness is not, right?

well, are you working with CVS?? If yes, do you use a remote repository
(e.g. something like :ext:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/cvsroot/ecb)??
If yes and you use XEmacs then you have the bad luck, that the VC-package
(vc.el et.al.) of XEmacs is fully outdated - compared to the GNU Emacs one
really ... bad programmed and not really powerful concering customizing...

You can make a test for me - Please do:
M-x (ecb-vc-dir-managed-by-CVS "full/directory/name/of/a/dir/managed/by/a/VC") 

and tell me the result and tell me if this call takes a long time?

GNU Emacs allows to stay local for remote CVS-repositores and to compute the
VC-state in a heuristic approach which is not really 100% correct but is 
for most situations and is much faster than sending real CVS-commands like
"cvs status" to a remote repository - XEmacs does this - and therefore checking
the VC-state of each file in a directory (done by ECB) takes a long long time
for a single file and a log long long long time for the whole dir - ECB does 
stealthy but here we have that problem wit cygwin-XEmacs i have tried to 
in one of my postings yesterday...


> ht

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