Title: RE: [JDEV] Distributed design of jabber

Another note:

According to jabber.com, they charge based on concurrent users on the server.  Currently they are in a state which it is not profitable for them to deal with small companies(they didn't really give me a number) or companies that did not have a _gaurenteed_ high number of concurrent users.

Going on three weeks now that I'm waiting for answers to technical questions to see if the jabber.com server is a viable solution for my company.

IOW, until they get some big sales and can beef up on resources (read: more employees), I wouldn't waste your time or theirs unless you have a need for a server (and can afford it - once again, I didn't get any prices) that will have a constant concurrent user count above 10K (that's my guess, since they didn't give me any solid numbers).

(Don't get me wrong, I understand their need to focus on customers that can bring in the big cash until they have good income and are stabilized)

WHILE I'm on the subject, hey JER and whoever else has worked on it, what's the status of dpsm and.... 'mod_farm' is it?

> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2001 8:24 PM
> Subject: Re: [JDEV] Distributed design of jabber
> Lemme just translate this marketing stuff to engineering speak:
> > >"Enables Distributed Processing across multiple server
> "farms" which in
> > >  turn may support multiple CPUs."
> Jabber.com reworked the server to be pre-emptively multi-threaded
> (pthreads). Additionally, some work on JSM was done to permit multiple
> JSMs to be fully meshed across a network.
> > >"Allows components of a Jabber server to be distributed
> across multiple
> > >  machines, enabling a greater degree of inherent redundancy."
> Not sure what this means. :)
> > >"Enables groups of "socket" connections to be distributed across
> > >mini-servers
> The component formerly known as jpoll. Open source now has an
> equivalent called dspm (or dpsm, never can get it straight).
> As it stands, j.com has pretty much rewritten most of jabberd
> to be super
> efficient and thread-safe. This was _not_ a minor undertaking, but was
> well worth the effort. Jabber.com provides a super-fast, fully QA'd
> and peer-reviewed implementation of jabberd/jsm/etc. They've
> worked very
> hard to make it scalable and robust. :) Doing these sorts of things
> (scalability and robustness) have not been things that the Open Source
> movement has shown much interest in this far (with good reason). Very
> few people need to run a Jabber server for 200k+ concurrent users;
> these are (some of) the people that Jabber.com caters to.
> Hope that helps. :)
> Diz
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