Right. Everyone's being real slow about the whole compliance thing. This is years later and we don't have it yet. So I'm just going to set up a project on JabberStudio and *anyone* who wants to can submit bugs and have them listed. Then people can argue about it in the bug comments, and the maintainer of the project (currently me) can decide what to do.

So, this allows:
a) anyone who wants to can submit a compliance issue with a client that they feel the Jabber Community as a whole needs to see (especially if it's something major or the client author is being slow about it)
b) the Jabber Community has one quick place to look to see if other clients are acting funny or if they're doing something wrong
c) Jabber Community has at least another place to look to help them decide which clients they want to use

if/when the official compliance group gets their act together, I'll gladly hand this stuff over to them. Since no one seems to have any better ideas and no one seems to have the ball rolling, I'll just do what I described.

This is *very* informal, but until someone has something better, I think it works for what I want. (A place to bitch about clients being bad)


On Wednesday, Aug 6, 2003, at 18:21 US/Eastern, Iain shigeoka wrote:

On Wednesday, Aug 6, 2003, at 11:10 US/Pacific, Julian Missig wrote:

I'm getting really sick of looking at my roster and seeing things like <presence from="[EMAIL PROTECTED]" to="[EMAIL PROTECTED]"><show>normal</show></presence>


I know that Jabber Compliance Testing is one of those things that people keep talking about doing and saying we will do someday, etc, etc., but I'd like to propose that we start doing this stuff *now*.

The JSF is working on compliance although right now it is in quiet development and and the first compliance testing target is servers not clients. Client testing ends up being a lot harder than server testing so we punted and went for servers. I definitely agree there is need for client compliance testing. I've Cc'd the compliance-jig@ list and I'd love to have you follow up there. We have a jabbercollab project setup for compliance already if you're interested in joining the team, let me know. You can always sub to the compliance-jig list to get the discussion going. If we start creating code then perhaps a jabberstudio project would be needed.

The JSF is eager to get client compliance testing underway but simply don't have the resources to do it (primarily people's time - we can get funding if there is things that need funding).


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