I'm getting really sick of looking at my roster and seeing things like <presence from="[EMAIL PROTECTED]" to="[EMAIL PROTECTED]"><show>normal</show></presence>

<show>normal</show> is not compliant with Jabber or XMPP--"normal" is not a valid type. It's "online"--it always has been "online".

I know that Jabber Compliance Testing is one of those things that people keep talking about doing and saying we will do someday, etc, etc., but I'd like to propose that we start doing this stuff *now*.

I propose that I set up a "Jabber Client Compliance" project on jabberstudio.org. I'll set up a Component for each client people report protocol compliance issues with. "Bugs" would be a list of *errors* in protocol compliance. "Feature requests" would be a list of areas in which clients are completely lacking protocol support that they should have. This requires very little work on my part, and little work on the part of people who find protocol compliance errors. We then have an easy system to add comments, etc, etc. All you have to do is point the client author at the bug. If you find a protocol error in the client, you can report it. When it's fixed, it can be marked completed. The Jabber community will then have a running list of clients which are not compliant.

What do people think? Good idea? Or should I wait for people to build up a real system?


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