On 08. Feb 2005, at 19:37 Uhr, Alexander Gnauck wrote:
so wouldnt be this a step backwords to switch from php to SSI? What are the future plans for the webpages?
I think it would be good to setup a working group for the webpages and security and find or write a own cms that is powerful and secure.

i think its really funny when you develop software for microschrott : for exapme yours :

        •        Pocket PC with Pocket PC 2002 or 2003
        •        Microsoft Compact Framework
        •        Microsoft .NET Framework on Desktop PC for the Installer

so ONLY microsoft and  take  the  advantages  out  of opensource
ever thought  of  it?

sorry for this thought

" Die Menschen spielen leichtfertig mit dem Tragischen, weil sie an die existenz des Tragischen in einer in einer zivilisierten Welt nicht glauben." Jose Ortega y Gasset


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