I was thinking this way: There are apearing some applications that do some 
tasks and their primary purpose is not comunication. However, they comunicate 
using jabber. (inkskape for example, if I remember well). Users want games in 
IM clients, which has nothing to do with IM. UNIX filosophy tells to separate 
different tasks into separate programs. So yes, it would be possible to 
separate the games into different programs, which would be just called from 
the client with right info (where to connect, which user try to contact and 

However, this would mean the game mush have full supprt for things like XML 
parsing, SASL, TLS and everything. It would mean another connection to server 
as well, which would mean more load on server, need to keep the connection 
using whitespace pings (which means more pings with more connections) and 
another resource appears for other users.

So I was thinking about something like is X server. On a user login, it would 
start and connect and provided kind of user proxy for all his application, 
making it only one connecion and making the life for applications a bit 
easier by handling the SASL, TLS, transparent merging of more accounts 
together, and more extensions like file transfers, jingle and so on. It would 
mean even transparent handling of history, regardless if it is server-side or 
client-side, support of new features for application which did not have it 
before (like it would be possible to add encrypted sessions to all 
applications without them knowing about it, for example).

Another advantage would be, if the graphic frontend crashed (and the graphic 
application tend to do so more oftenly then simple text ones, I don't know 
why), you would not lose your last messages and messages got on the last 
moment, you could just start the app again and it would get them, and other 
users would not even know something happend to you.

Of course, the design would need to be done more properly, but I wanted 
someone to comment on this a bit, if it is a good idea. I'm sending it here, 
because I think it has nothing to do with standards, it is just another way 
for a design for client software. If you think otherwise, I appologise and 
would move it to better mail list.

Thank you.


NAT should extinkt like dinosaurs did.

Michal Vaner (Vorner)

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