Dne pátek 21 duben 2006 19:49 Magnus Henoch napsal(a):
> I haven't looked at it myself but Telepathy might be a place to start:
> http://telepathy.freedesktop.org/wiki/

My god, not another DBus monster! :-O

Why do simple things in complicated way? And why the hell not separate 
different things as much as possible? Why not use sime pipe or network socket 
directly? I wanted to provide just a proxy, that would be able to filter the 
stanzas out, send them to server and allow some more control using some other 
XML. But not move all the ways of comunication to some daemon and not be able 
to send custom data that are not supported by the procedure of RPC for sure?

Why does all the freedesktop projects seem to me as an attempt to make linux 
as bad as windows? :-(

Sorry if I may seem as an extremist here, but this seems to me as a bad thing. 
This would disallow the extensibility of the protocol, if used.


NAT should extinkt like dinosaurs did.

Michal Vaner (Vorner)

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