On 6 Dec 2006, at 09:49, Manuzhai wrote:
Peter Saint-Andre wrote:
Oh yes we have infrastructure:
Probably we would host something like this on the "zeus" machine listed

Alright, then. If relevant people contact me with access details, I can probably get Trac instances running in very little time at all. We'd have to think about anti-spam measures (Trac is pretty widespread) and access control, but I reckon it won't be that hard.

I'm still more than a little sceptical of the need/benefit for this. There are plenty of decent places to host project (sf, google etc), and many projects host their own systems independently. All running a jabber-themed repo service seems to add is a sense of official support for those projects hosted there (and, correspondingly, unofficiality for the projects not hosted there).


Kevin Smith
Psi XMPP Client Project Leader (http://psi-im.org)

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