I just sent my application, I can edit it until tomorrow, and after with
mentors' authorizations.

>> I think the real remaining work would be to move PyMSN-t to use PEP
>> for its extended presence (avatars etc.), but I'm not sure how
>> interesting that is as a project.

It is interesting for me :-), I'm agree for this goal.

> * VoIP/video: for this it is probably the best to forward to another
> service similar to TokBox and MeBeam.
> * Cache to store messages when your contact is offline. When the
> contact comes online, these messages should be sent.
> * Add support for webdav file transfers.

These sound good as well. I'm new to Jabber/Python programming so I can't do
all the above, but I need to define long enough deliverables.
Thanks for you help.


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