Jonathan Dickinson wrote:
> One of the things that makes my life easier /is/ the gateways. I work
> at a pro M$ company so they are Live Messenger through and through:
> despite my VERY BEST efforts to convert the entire company. Being
> able to use MSN via Jabber has been a huge help for me, but sometimes
> I have to log into MSN because of the missing functionality (we
> really do use the complete MSN feature set).
> Some people just can't convert completely.

Understood. But what features do most people really use? Is it just
presence and IM (and possibly groupchat), or do most people also require
the ability for file transfers, voice calls, emoticons (etc.) to go
across the bridge between Jabber and MSN?

And perhaps those who really do need the complete feature set could step
up to the plate and help fund work on the transports? Not everything
needs to happen through the XSF or the Google Summer of Code.



Peter Saint-Andre

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