On 3/11/09 10:00 AM, Pedro Melo wrote:
> Hi,
> On Mar 11, 2009, at 3:54 PM, Remko Tronçon wrote:
>>>> Or would @pt.jabber.org IM accounts exist also?
>>> I'm not sure yet -- we're exploring this idea together. :)
>> I wouldn't offer pt.jabber.org for IM accounts, exactly for the
>> reasons you mentioned (you would have to migrate if you move somewhere
>> etc.). Maybe I lack national pride, but I wouldn't want a
>> be.jabber.org account, just plain, short, and simple jabber.org :-)
> Yeah... I can see right now being able to support pt.jabber.org  
> services (socks, turn, translation, etc), but running a full IM  
> service, not so much.

Yes, it's a lot of work to support a full IM service. :) But if we make
jabber.org too popular then we need to put more time into it. We'll need
clustering at the least, because running everything on one machine in
Iowa would not be enough.

> But I also understand that other, who already have a bigger community,  
> might want that to.

Perhaps it's enough for now to figure out worldwide clustering of the
jabber.org address space and deployment of minimal xmpp services (not
hosting IM accounts) for bootstrapping of SOCKS5 and TURN relays.


Peter Saint-Andre

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