Attendees: Michelle Caisse, Michael Bouschen, Craig Russell


1. Maven2 upgrade.

Dependencies have been changed to conform to the maven DependencyManagement pattern. Tck dependencies have been updated to the latest DataNucleus version 2.2.2. The dependency should actually be on the exectck project not the tck project. To run the tck with an IUT, users will have to edit the pom and profiles to add their dependent jar files.
The "run-once" tests run twice. Is this ok? Yes.

2. Inheritance strategy

Surprising to hear that JPA has a mapping feature that JDO doesn't. Maybe there is a misunderstanding. AI everyone: Is this scenario really not supported by JDO?

3. Test case failure: SQLException in ParenthesesMarkOperatorPrecedence

No progress.

4. Other issues

Dependencies on JPA: the api needs JPA 3.0 and the tck needs JPA 2.0

The issue is with the getProperties() method in JDOEntityManagerFactory which extends both EntityManagerFactory and PersistenceManagerFactory. In JDO PersistenceManagerFactory the method returns Properties and in JPA EntityManagerFactory returns Map<String, Object>.

Possible solutions: change JDO PersistenceManagerFactory to return Map<String, Object> or remove the JDOEntityManagerFactory and JDOEntityManger interfaces. Are these being used by anyone?

AI Michael file a JIRA.

Action Items from weeks past:

[Jan 14 2011] Craig check into using the Apache parent pom. No progress.

Craig L Russell
Architect, Oracle
408 276-5638
P.S. A good JDO? O, Gasp!

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