> I'm trying to create a plug-in and started from the external-jobs plugin.  
> Unfortunately this had a very obsolete pom.xml so I've tried updating it 
> following some help given elsewhere in this group but I'm stuff no this error 
> when I try to run 'mvn hpi:run'

For what it’s worth, there are Maven archetypes for creating a new Jenkins 
plugin <https://github.com/jenkinsci/archetypes>, which will get you a 
relatively up-to-date pom.xml free from any historical quirks or unnecessary 
configuration that you might be present in the pom.xml of existing plugins. To 
use the archetypes, run `mvn archetype:generate 
-Dfilter=io.jenkins.archetypes:` (trailing colon is import) from the command 
line, and then follow the on-screen prompts.

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