Thanks for sharing your insights.  Great to have participation in the 
thread.  Comments are inline

On Wednesday, August 4, 2021 at 2:39:05 PM UTC-6 bhon wrote:

> Similar to Randall (the.n...), I have customers that use NonStop, but they 
> also use various distros of Enterprise Linux.  Their corporate strategy for 
> software development is to remain on Java 8 for the foreseeable future, 
> primarily due to the JDK  11 licensing mentioned above.  They have a 
> corporate support contract with Oracle to continue to get Java 8 updates, 
> so support is not an issue for them.  Shipping a version of Jenkins that 
> won't do 'remoting' on those target platforms should require much longer 
> than 5 months of advance notice, as those customers are on much longer 
> strategic cycles.
I'm not sure where you're getting the idea that we would be shipping a 
version of Jenkins that won't do 'remoting' on those target platforms.  The 
proposal does not remove Java 8 support.  The proposal does not prevent 
users from running agents or controllers or both with Java 8.  The proposal 
does not change how 'remoting' operates.


> Even though  the newer platforms and releases for NonStop  include both 
> Java 8 and Java 11, customers on NonStop and Linux that are 
> Enterprise-focused (and there are MANY) haven't installed Java 11 and have 
> no plan to do so  this year or probably even next.  What was the 
> penetration number above for Java 11, only 4%?  Expecting a large 
> percentage of your customer base to make this move is short-sighted.
We're not expecting them to make a move.  We're changing the default in the 
Jenkins Docker images so that users who choose to use the default Jenkins 
Docker images will use Java 11 instead of Java 8.  Users that can't use 
Docker images (arm32, ppc64, s390x, ia64, riscv) can continue to use either 
Java 8 or Java 11 on their platform.  After the change, users that are 
running Docker images can change the name of the image they are using and 
that will allow them to continue running with Java 8.  Today, if they run 
with `docker run --rm -i -t jenkins/jenkins:lts` and they have a hard 
requirement for Java 8, they will need to run with `docker run --rm -i -t 

If Jenkins is to retain its preferred position in Enterprise environments, 
> this decision should be very carefully reconsidered. Most of your customers 
> don't spend time reviewing this group.  And many Enterprise decisionmakers 
> don't participate in Twitter, which leaves the results of surveys in that 
> platform somewhat questionable.  This is not just a question of what is 
> easier for the developers of Jenkins, it's also a matter of where Jenkins 
> (and its remotes) run.
We're not changing where Jenkins can run with this proposal.

> This is just my .02$US,
Thanks for sharing!
Mark Waite


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