I'm sorry I missed this meeting - other obligations. We are stuck on JDK 8 
for a variety of reasons, including Oracle's JDK 11 license terms, which 
are significantly different from JDK 8, and also that JDK 11 is not 
available on our ia64 platform. How long will JDK 8 builds continue to be 
available and is there a link I can include for my community for both 
Docker and standard locations?


On Tuesday, August 3, 2021 at 10:43:28 p.m. UTC-4 Mark Waite wrote:

> I've submitted the Jenkins Enhancement Proposal that proposes to switch 
> from JDK 8 to JDK 11 for the Jenkins 2.302.1 LTS release on Aug 25, 2021.
> Pull request is https://github.com/jenkinsci/jep/pull/374/files
> File content view is:
> https://github.com/jenkinsci/jep/blob/401af5fa324867d30fac61dce91418fdc4a3caa5/jep/0000/README.adoc
> is the 
> On Friday, July 2, 2021 at 7:51:22 AM UTC-6 Mark Waite wrote:
>> I believe that the plan from the Contributor Summit aligns with Oleg's 
>> vote that he cast in advance.  The Platform SIG will meet today and has 
>> Java 11 on the agenda for further discussion.
>> Contributor summit notes are recorded in a Google Doc 
>> <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BwllcgX3rmsvwRKIFkmE24g7zHGo8kufcimL0BnWaWE/edit?usp=sharing>.
>> The YouTube video <https://youtu.be/Hger_BTp3D0> of the session is also 
>> available.
>> My summary of the proposed plan from the Contributor Summit is:
>> Weekly release
>>    - Jenkins Docker controller images for weekly releases switch to Java 
>>    11 4-6 weeks before the September LTS release.  That includes 
>>    jenkins/jenkins:latest, jenkins/jenkins:alpine, jenkins/jenkins:centos7, 
>>    and more.
>>    - Jenkins Docker controller images for weekly releases add a Java 8 
>>    tag 4-6 weeks before the September LTS release as an escape hatch for 
>> users 
>>    that require Java 8.  That would be jenkins/jenkins:latest-jdk8, 
>>    jenkins/jenkins:alpine-jdk8, and jenkins/jenkins:centos7-jdk8
>> LTS release
>>    - Jenkins Docker controller images for LTS releases switch to Java 11 
>>    with the September LTS release.  That includes jenkins/jenkins:lts, 
>>    jenkins/jenkins:lts-alpine, jenkins/jenkins:centos7, and more
>>    - Jenkins Docker controller images for LTS releases add a Java 8 tag 
>>    with the September LTS release   as an escape hatch for users that 
>> require 
>>    Java 8.  That would be jenkins/jenkins:lts-jdk8, 
>>    jenkins/jenkins:lts-alpine-jdk8, and jenkins/jenkins:lts-centos7-jdk8
>> A blog post will be provided for the weekly change and an additional blog 
>> post and an upgrade guide entry will be provided for the LTS change.
>> A JEP will be submitted that details the proposed transition plan so that 
>> we can review the transition plan in greater detail.
>> We'll discuss further and in more detail in the Platform SIG meeting 
>> later today.
>> Mark Waite
>> On Monday, June 28, 2021 at 9:51:42 PM UTC-6 Oleg Nenashev wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> Looking forward to see the discussion from the contributor summit 
>>> summarized here. Sadly I missed it due to having another session, but I've 
>>> heard it was a great discussion that resulted in a proposal. Thanks to Mike 
>>> Cirioli and Mark Waite for driving this topic at the summit, and thanks to 
>>> all contributors. Just posting the links shared by Mike and Runxia in the 
>>> Google Doc:
>>>    - Slides: 
>>> https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1i1gkUQ0Ha-CRgFvRRpRWUDjbpPr383D0DSywLGAFN-Y/edit?usp=sharing
>>>    - Meeting notes: 
>>> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BwllcgX3rmsvwRKIFkmE24g7zHGo8kufcimL0BnWaWE/edit?usp=sharing
>>> I might be unavailable when the decision making happens, so I would like 
>>> to cast my votes in advance. Note that I have not fully went through the 
>>> notes, and might be misaligned. I am happy to support whatever decision 
>>> made by the community. My votes are:
>>>    - +1 for making Java 11 a default in all Jenkins distributions 
>>>    starting from September LTS. It applies to Jenkins controller and agent 
>>>    Docker images. It also applies to Helm chart, Jenkins Operator and 
>>> whatever 
>>>    other packaging that happens to include Java. Jenkinsfile Runner already 
>>>    ships Java 11 by default FTR.
>>>    - +1 for allowing Java 11 only plugins starting from the September 
>>>    LTS. We have tooling embedded into the Jenkins core and Jenkins update 
>>>    centers starting from LTS releases in 2018 (2.164.x IIRC), so all modern 
>>>    Jenkins versions will be able to properly notify users in the UI Plugin 
>>>    manager. https://github.com/jenkinsci/plugin-pom/pull/133 should be 
>>>    finalized to make it possible in the tooling
>>>    - Dropping Java 8 support
>>>       - -1 for dropping Java 8 support in the September LTS
>>>       - +0.5 for officially announcing it as deprecated. Needs more 
>>>       planning and definition what deprecation actually means
>>>       - +1 for declaring an intent to drop support for Java 8 in the 
>>>       coming years
>>>    - Java 17 support:
>>>       - +1 for any coordinated efforts on this front, and thanks to all 
>>>       contributors. I will be exploring Java 17 in the coming months, but I 
>>> might 
>>>       be unable to contribute.
>>>       - +1 for library updates and non-severe breaking changes if they 
>>>       are needed to support Java 17
>>> Best regards,
>>> Oleg
>>> On Friday, June 25, 2021 at 12:36:16 AM UTC+2 m...@basilcrow.com wrote:
>>>> Allow me to append myself to the list of developers who would like 
>>>> access to Java 11 APIs. If we had access to Java 11 APIs, then this 
>>>> <https://github.com/jenkinsci/file-leak-detector-plugin/blob/0518165ddf2b8eaf11f9a0abea9d8ead0b52e04f/src/main/java/com/cloudbees/jenkins/plugins/file_leak_detector/FileHandleDump.java#L81>
>>>> (and similar code in a CloudBees-proprietary plugin) could be switched to 
>>>> the Java Platform's ProcessHandle#pid() (to say nothing of ProcessTree in 
>>>> Jenkins core), which would mean that we could get rid of JNR from Jenkins 
>>>> core, which would mean that we could get rid of ASM from Jenkins core, 
>>>> which would eliminate a long-standing pain point in the dependency tree.

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