I meant, is there a way to automate it?

On 2012-04-11 20:48, Mirko Friedenhagen wrote:
Regarding your first point:

Basically you delete the branch locally and push an empty branch to your remote.

Regards Mirko

On Wed, Apr 11, 2012 at 20:14, Thomas Sondergaard
<t...@medical-insight.com>  wrote:
The section "Using Git, Jenkins and pre-build branch merging" in the Jenkins
Git Plugin page describes how we can make jenkins merge changes on a feature
branch to a development branch, run the build and then finally push the
changes to the central repository.

I'd like to use this, but I have some questions. I'm new to git, so I may
have gotten some of the words wrong.

1. This must lead to a large number of branches in the central repository.
Is there a way to delete branches which have been fully merged to other

2. How do you handle the situation, where there is more than one branch
undergoing development, ie I may have commits that should be merged to a
stable branch and other commits that should be pushed to the master/unstable
branch. In both cases I would like jenkins to pre-build before pushing



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