Hi Domi,

Merged and released. When I have some time I should probably work on the 
layout algorithm. It seems to me that it is not really Sugiyama, because 
the quality is far from the one of graphviz, which should be the same.


On Friday, November 16, 2012 4:56:29 PM UTC-3, domi wrote:
> Hi Stefan,
> Thanks for taking picking up the idea of using JavaScript instead of 
> graphviz!!!!!
> Some feedback:
> I just send you two pull requests...
> - https://github.com/jenkinsci/depgraph-view-plugin/pull/4
>   this one is not a big thing, just makes my life a bit easier in eclipse 
> :)
> - https://github.com/jenkinsci/depgraph-view-plugin/pull/5
>   this one would actually allow me to use the plugin in my environment, 
> because it allows to disable the rendering with graphviz at all. I need 
> this, because I will never be able to install graphviz in our setup. So I'm 
> really hopping you can do a release with this functionality soon. :)
> Issues:
> If there are circular job dependencies, then all the jobs are displayed at 
> the same position (like a stack)
> Although the current JavaScript implementation is not yet perfect, a new 
> release would already help me a lot!
> thanks!
> Domi
> On 13.11.2012, at 16:08, Stefan Wolf <glow...@gmail.com <javascript:>> 
> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I just released a new version of the 
> https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Dependency+Graph+View+Plugin
> It includes an experimental visualisation via jsPlumb based on domis work. 
> Please give me feedback how to improve the javascript visualisation and the 
> plugin in general. Feature and Pull requests are welcome.
> Best regards,
> Stefan
> On Wednesday, September 5, 2012 4:14:20 AM UTC-3, kikou wrote:
>> Hi all
>> Is there any plugin which draw automatically a diagram showing the job 
>> sequence ?
>> So that it is more easy to show to some people the 
>> i dont like the format of pipeline view and it is more to show the result 
>> of last builds than the sequence.
>> Rgds
>> K.

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