On Friday, 18 January 2013 14:09:07 UTC, Chris Withers wrote:
> > Depending on how you upgraded you can go to 
> > {jenkinsurl}/pluginManager/installed and look at the previously 
> > installed version. 
> Where can I find more info on exactly how those "downgrade to previous 
> version" buttons work? 

I think the answer to that is source code... There may be a WIKI.  but 
basically it will replace the current version (foo.hpi) with the previous 
version (foo.bak) and then you will need to restart jenkins.  Hopefully the 
configuration hasn't been updated by the plugin to a newer version, but if 
you have saved any jobs or the system config since updating this may not be 
the case

> What's considered the previous version? If I hit 
> the button, restart, what's then shown as the previous version? 

At this point I'm not sure - it could be nothing or it could be the version 
that you currently have.

> Then if you look on disk in jenkinshome/data/plugins and take a look at 
> > the imestamps on the hpi/jpi files that will tell you when the plugins 
> > where installed. 
> Ah, good call :-) 
> > The > 100% cpu is that each core counts as 100% so if all cores are 
> > spinning on an 8 core system the maximum will be 800% 
> I'm confused as to how one process can span multiple cores? 
> I thought, by definition a process was tied to one core? 
> I guess we're into the blurred world of threads/processes and their 
> exactly implementation? 
In its simplistic view a thread can only run on a single core at any given 
time.  A process may be made up of a number of threads.
A thread may execute of core1 now and core5 at some point in the future. 
 Generally processes and threads are not tied to a processor although there 
are OS tools to enable you to do this. 

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