Hello victor,
    I created the groovy script and noticed it is executing still no luck, 
I could not see any logs.
    I am trying to understand is the control is going there are not.
Grrovy script:
import java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler
import java.util.logging.LogManager
import java.util.logging.Level
def logger = LogManager.getLogManager().getLogger("hudson.security")
logger.addHandler (new ConsoleHandler())
Console output
Apr 06, 2015 11:55:48 AM jenkins.util.groovy.GroovyHookScript execute
INFO: Executing C:\Users\e513788\.jenkins\init.groovy.d\extralogging.groovy
On Thursday, April 2, 2015 at 2:36:38 PM UTC-4, Victor Martinez wrote:

> Follow the below steps:
> - https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Logging
> - Since that plugin uses loggers: 
> https://github.com/jenkinsci/ldap-plugin/blob/ldap-1.6/src/main/java/hudson/security/LDAPSecurityRealm.java#L796
> - Add the below logger: hudson.security
> I hope it helps :)
> On Thursday, 2 April 2015 20:05:48 UTC+2, v_sathy...@hotmail.com wrote:
>> Hello Victor,
>>    I tried search for logging and no good help. Moreover I am still 
>> struggling to enable as debug so that I can trace the calls.
>>    Any helpful links would be much appreciated.
>> thanks
>> Venkat 
>> On Thursday, April 2, 2015 at 1:25:02 PM UTC-4, Victor Martinez wrote:
>>> I don't know if you already to record those loggers (search for jenkins 
>>> + logging). 
>>> Then you can check that LDAP plugin, search for its scm and validate 
>>> whether it does have any loggers if so you can easily configure to listen & 
>>> debug that plugin. 
>>> I hope it helps. Sorry if I didn't put any URL but unfortunately I'm 
>>> with mobile and chrome doesn't let me copy&paste ^^ 
>>> Cheers 

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