I have a project that run some code analysis after the build. I make them 
into another project that is trigger after the other one. I'm looking to 
set the Working diirectory with environment variables.

Current setup have a custom (under Windows): 
*Workspace Root Directory* = d:/JenkinsWorkspace/${ITEM_FULL_NAME}

My main project use the default workspace (let's call it AA).
My second project (do the post build analysis under it's own project) 
should use the AA project workspace.

Is there any environment variable to use the default access Workspace Root 
Directory without the ${ITEM_FULL_NAME} ?
Or even better have a way to use the same workspace as another project?

Currently I use the full path but this is painfull when moving to other 
machine, you don't only have to change the Jenkins config but also the 
project and this is bad.

x *Use custom workspace*
*Directory* = d:/JenkinsWorkspace/AA

I would rather have something like:
*Directory* =  ${DEFAULT_WORKSPACE}/../AA
or even better:
*Directory* = ${ALL_WORKSPACE}["AA"]


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