It's been a long time since I looked at Ralph's code so I don't even
remember how he did things; I can't therefore say if it's a good way
or not. If you want to ask specific questions about it I can try to
answer them.

Jess is very malleable, so pretty much any architecture you can come
up with can be made to work. The Servlet part of the Jess Book
presents an architecture where a single Rete object is shared by all
the servlets and JSPs in and entire Web application. They all assert
facts at will and call run() when necessary to process data. In
general, this works well. Sometimes one servlet calls run() and no
rules fire, because another servlet called run() in the previous
instant -- this is OK. You just have to avoid writing rules such that
the wrong thing will happen if run() is called before some "set" of
facts is completely asserted. 

In the book, queries are used to extract results, but you could use
store and fetch or explicit callbacks. The only thing to remember is
that per-session facts should include a slot with a session
identifier, so logical processes from separate sessions stay separate.

I think Ron Day wrote:
> In searching the Jess Archives, the only example of using Jess with Servlets
> is the ""Ralph Grove Reptile Identification Helper". Since this was done
> some time ago I ask the following:
> 1) Is this still an efficient architecture for Jess with Servlets ?
> 2) Anyone have a better (more recent) reference for Jess/Servlet
> architectures ?
> I don't think my project can wait for the "JESS book" to be published.
> Any help greatly appreciated
> Ron

Ernest Friedman-Hill  
Distributed Systems Research        Phone: (925) 294-2154
Sandia National Labs                FAX:   (925) 294-2234
Org. 8920, MS 9012                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
PO Box 969        
Livermore, CA 94550

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