Hi Ernest!

I have been looking forward for some news about your upcomming book. So
thank You for the update!

> The tentative title (based on a series title Manning has used) is now:
>         "Jess in Action: Java Rule-based Systems"
> I'm hereby soliciting comments on it.

I think the title probably fits the contents, but I'm not sure the
contents fits me. I'm not saying I'm surprised - this is what I was
expecting. What I was hoping for, was a book contain lots of good
example usages of Jess. Most importantly I feel the need for an
extensive reference manual to Jess.

> Here are the chapter titles:
-- cut --
> Appendices
>         Jess Functions
>         Abridged Java API for Jess
>         An automated testing framework

The appendice "Jess Functions" might partly cover my need - but I fear
it will not. The present "Jess Function List" page on the Jess webpages
is far from complete and probably not entirely up to date. I have a book
containing a complete reference manual with examples for the expert
system CLIPS. This book has come in handy in lots of work with Jess as
well, since the syntax is almost identical in many cases. What I hope
You will consider writing, is a book similar to this written
specifically for Jess.

Kind regards
Morten Vigel

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