I think James C. Owen wrote:
> Ernest:
> Let me see if I can understand what we're actually saying here:  As written
> below, since ?fact is being modified in the RHS of the rule then the rule will
> be placed on the agenda as available to be fired again, even though the
> recursion principle would otherwise have removed the rule from
> consideration..  This is basically the data-driven concept of almost all
> Rete-type rulebased systems and some that are not Rete-based.  In fact, the
> rule will be removed (via the recursion principle) from the agenda and never
> be replaced if the rule fires and the data are NOT changed.  Recursion is the
> first rule of conflict resolution of both LEX and MEA and is used by, well,
> everybody who builds a rulebased system of any kind of merit.  (Jess, JRules,
> OPSJ, JEOPS, Advisor, Expert, ART, etc., etc.)

That's right. The current behavior in all cases is that a rule won't
fire on a given set of unchanged facts more than once.

> So.  Now.  Are we asking that this should be changed so that if the rules are
> slot-driven rather than data-driven,?  Meaning that the rule will be removed
> if the rule, regardless of data, fires?  If so, it can't work because then
> only one case would match.  i.e., we would be asking the question, "Is there
> ANY case" and when the case is answered true then the engine stops.

No, not quite. The proposal is for a new, special class of rules that
will fire no more than once for a given set of facts, regardless of
whether their slot data changes. Currently, modifying any slot in a
fact on a rule's RHS will make the LHS match again. Under this
proposal, this wouldn't happen for this special class of rules.

In classical expert systems, facts were just tuples, without their own
independent existence. In Jess, a fact is a lot more like an Object,
and it persists over time. Note that in OPS-derived systems, where
each fact has a numeric id, that id traditionally changed when a fact
was modified. In Jess, the id -doesn't- change, highlighting the
Object-ness of a fact. 

In a way, there are two different ways to think about Jess rules. You
can be matching a fact with particular slot data, or you can be
matching a particular fact object. The latter class of rules can
sensibly be expected to match a given fact (or set of facts) only
once; that's the class of rules for which the "one-shot" idea is useful.

Ernest Friedman-Hill  
Distributed Systems Research        Phone: (925) 294-2154
Sandia National Labs                FAX:   (925) 294-2234
PO Box 969, MS 9012                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Livermore, CA 94550         http://herzberg.ca.sandia.gov

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