
An Eclipse plug-in sounds quite useful, but I'm wondering whether how broad-range utility would suffer compared to that of a standalone implementation.

I'm wondering, as one of those using Jess with Protege (and using other Protege "plug-able" resources, e.g., public ontologies) whether having Eclipse as another front-end would provide negative interactions. In terms of refining mission-specific functional enhancements to a standalone Jess IDE, you would not have the constraints of the Eclipse environment restricting what you could do.

On the other hand, is your time well spent building a lot of IDE functions on your own?

Best regards

Bob Treleas

Hi Folks,

As you may know, Jess 7.0 (Charlemagne) is going to include a full
complement of developer's tools -- a debugger, a smart editor, a rule
database, an "explorer", etc. I've been working on some of the
technology that will go into these tools -- I have weak prototypes
already, actually. Error checking as you type, smart completion,
breakpoints, etc. It's pretty neat, actually, but really just a

Originally, I had considered doing the Jess IDE as one or more Eclipse
plug-ins. I weighed the advantages (lots of good tools to leverage) vs
the disadvantages (big (60MB?) download for non-Eclipse users,
additional support responsibilities for me, again for non-Eclipse
users). I decided against it; although it would mean more work
up-front to make the tools stand alone, it would require less work in
the long run to support and maintain (or so my belief is.)

Given the recent Eclipse discussions, though, I am reconsidering. Let
me ask you all directly: Would you rather see a Jess IDE be a
standalone thing, or an Eclipse plug-in? I'm more interested in
hearing from people who think this is a BAD idea -- I already know
that current Eclipse users will think it's a good one!

Ernest Friedman-Hill Distributed Systems Research Phone: (925) 294-2154
Sandia National Labs FAX: (925) 294-2234
Livermore, CA 94550

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