I doubt very much that an approach combining forward and backward chaining
would simplify matters. Given that we're still discussing the
user/systems/resources application: I'd extend the set of rules (including
dynamically created ones) so that the system would come up with the info
which resource (combination) is missing whenever the rule(s) determining the
applicable system won't fire.


On 11/19/07, Mohd. Noor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi All
>  Forward chaining is based on the supplied facts whereas backward chaining
> based on the goals.
> How about in the first run during the forward chaining- the rules cannot
> be fired; could be due to the limited information (of resources), do I have
> to infer the rules using the backward chaining after that based on the goals
> approaches ( with refers to complex rules and template that not statically
> defined)
> cheers
> mnoor

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