Spurgeon's Morning & Evening Devotions 
Morning, August 3 

"Christ, who is our life."  - Colossians 3:4 

Paul's marvellously rich expression indicates, that Christ is the source of our life. 
"You hath he quickened who were dead in trespasses and sins." That same voice which 
brought Lazarus out of the tomb raised us to newness of life. 

He is now the substance of our spiritual life. It is by his life that we live; he is 
in us, the hope of glory, the spring of our actions, the central thought which moves 
every other thought. Christ is the sustenance of our life. 

What can the Christian feed upon but Jesus' flesh and blood? 
"This is the bread which cometh down from heaven, that a man may eat thereof, and not 
die." O wayworn pilgrims in this wilderness of sin, you never get a morsel to satisfy 
the hunger of your spirits, except ye find it in him! Christ is the solace of our 
life. All our true joys come from him; and in times of trouble, his presence is our 

There is nothing worth living for but him; and his lovingkindness is better than life! 
Christ is the object of our life. As speeds the ship towards the port, so hastes the 
believer towards the haven of his Saviour's bosom. As flies the arrow to its goal, so 
flies the Christian towards the perfecting of his fellowship with Christ Jesus. 

As the soldier fights for his captain, and is crowned in his captain's victory, so the 
believer contends for Christ, and gets his triumph out of the triumphs of his Master. 
"For him to live is Christ." Christ is the exemplar of our life. 

Where there is the same life within, there will, there must be, to a great extent, the 
same developments without; and if we live in near fellowship with the Lord Jesus we 
shall grow like him. We shall set him before us as our Divine copy, and we shall seek 
to tread in his footsteps, until he shall become the crown of our life in glory. Oh! 
how safe, how honoured, how happy is the Christian, since Christ is our life! 

Evening, August 3 
"The Son of Man hath power on earth to forgive sins." - Matthew 9:6 

Behold one of the great Physician's mightiest arts: he has power to forgive sin! While 
here he lived below, before the ransom had been paid, before the blood had been 
literally sprinkled on the mercy-seat, he had power to forgive sin. Hath he not power 
to do it now that he hath died? What power must dwell in him who to the utmost 
farthing has faithfully discharged the debts of his people! He has boundless power now 
that he has finished transgression and made an end of sin. If ye doubt it, see him 
rising from the dead! behold him in ascending splendour raised to the right hand of 
God! Hear him pleading before the eternal Father, pointing to his wounds, urging the 
merit of his sacred passion! What power to forgive is here! "He hath ascended on 
high, and received gifts for men." 

"He is exalted on high to give repentance and remission of sins." 
The most crimson sins are removed by the crimson of his blood. At this moment, dear 
reader, whatever thy sinfulness, Christ has power to pardon, power to pardon thee, and 
millions such as thou art. 

A word will speak it. He has nothing more to do to win thy pardon; all the atoning 
work is done. He can, in answer to thy tears, forgive thy sins today, and make thee 
know it. 

He can breathe into thy soul at this very moment a peace with God which passeth all 
understanding, which shall spring from perfect remission of thy manifold iniquities. 
Dost thou believe that? I trust thou believest it. Mayst thou experience now the power 
of Jesus to forgive sin! Waste no time in applying to the Physician of souls, but 
hasten to him with words like these:- 

"Jesus! Master! hear my cry; 
Save me, heal me with a word; 
Fainting at thy feet I lie, 
Thou my whisper'd plaint hast heard." 

Daily devotions for 08-04-2004: 
Devotion: Morning and Evening 
Morning Title: Knowing God 
Evening Title: Spiritual Destroyers 
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Morning: Knowing God 
"The people that do know their God shall be strong." --Daniel 11:32 

Every believer understands that to know God is the highest and best form of knowledge; 
and this spiritual knowledge is a source of strength to the Christian. It strengthens 
his faith. Believers are constantly spoken of in the Scriptures as being persons who 
are enlightened and taught of the Lord; they are said to "have an unction from the 
Holy One," and it is the Spirit's peculiar office to lead them into all truth, and all 
this for the increase and the fostering of their faith. 

Knowledge strengthens love, as well as faith. 
Knowledge opens the door, and then through that door we see our Saviour. Or, to use 
another similitude, knowledge paints the portrait of Jesus, and when we see that 
portrait then we love Him, we cannot love a Christ whom we do not know, at least, in 
some degree. If we know but little of the excellences of Jesus, what He has done for 
us, and what He is doing now, we cannot love Him much; but the more we know Him, the 
more we shall love Him. 

Knowledge also strengthens hope. How can we hope for a thing if we do not know of its 
Hope may be the telescope, but till we receive instruction, our ignorance stands in 
the front of the glass, and we can see nothing whatever; knowledge removes the 
interposing object, and when we look through the bright optic glass we discern the 
glory to be revealed, and anticipate it with joyous confidence. 

Knowledge supplies us reasons for patience. How shall we have patience unless we know 
something of the sympathy of Christ, and understand the good which is to come out of 
the correction which our heavenly Father sends us? Nor is there one 
single grace of the Christian which, under God, will not be fostered and brought to 
perfection by holy knowledge. How important, then, is it that we should grow not only 
in grace, but in the "knowledge" of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. 

Evening: Spiritual Destroyers 
"I smote you with blasting and with mildew and 
with hail in all the labours of your hands." --Haggai 2:17 

How destructive is the hail to the standing crops, beating out the precious grain upon 
the ground! How grateful ought we to be when the corn is spared so terrible a ruin! 
Let us offer unto the Lord thanksgiving. Even more to be dreaded are those mysterious 
destroyers--smut, bunt, rust, and mildew. These turn the ear into a mass 
of soot, or render it putrid, or dry up the grain, and all in a manner so beyond all 
human control that the farmer is compelled to cry, "This is the finger of God." 

Innumerable minute fungi cause the mischief, and were it not for the goodness of God, 
the rider on the black horse would soon scatter famine over the land. Infinite mercy 
spares the food of men, but in view of the active agents which are ready to destroy 
the harvest, right wisely are we taught to pray, "Give us this day our daily 
bread." The curse is abroad; we have constant need of the blessing. When blight and 
mildew come they are chastisements from heaven, and men must learn to hear the rod, 
and Him that hath appointed it. 

Spiritually, mildew is no uncommon evil. When our work is most promising this blight 
appears. We hoped for many conversions, and lo! a general apathy, an abounding 
worldliness, or a cruel hardness of heart! There may be no open sin in those for whom 
we are labouring, but there is a deficiency of sincerity and decision sadly 
disappointing our desires. We learn from this our dependence upon the Lord, and the 
need of prayer that no blight may fall upon our work. Spiritual pride or sloth will 
soon bring upon us the dreadful evil, and only the Lord of the harvest can remove it. 
Mildew may even attack our own hearts, and shrivel our prayers and religious 
exercises. May it please the great Husbandman to avert so serious a calamity. 

Shine, blessed Sun of Righteousness, and drive the blights away. 
Daily devotions for 08-05-2004: 

Devotion: Morning and Evening 
Morning Title: Assurance of Goodness 
Evening Title: Obligation to Serve 
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Morning: Assurance of Goodness 
"We know that all things work together for good to them that love God." 
--Romans 8:28 

Upon some points a believer is absolutely sure. 
He knows, for instance, that God sits in the stern-sheets of the vessel when it rocks 
most. He believes that an invisible hand is always on the world's tiller, and that 
wherever providence may drift, Jehovah steers it. That re-assuring knowledge prepares 
him for everything. He looks over the raging waters and sees the spirit of Jesus 
treading the billows, and he hears a voice saying, "It is I, be not afraid." He knows 
too that God is always wise, and, knowing this, he is confident that there can be no 
accidents, no mistakes; that nothing can occur which ought not to arise. He can say, 
"If I should lose all I have, it is better that I should lose than have, if God so 
wills: the worst calamity is the wisest and the kindest thing that could befall to me 
if God ordains it." 

"We know that all things work together for good to them that love God." The Christian 
does not merely hold this as a theory, but he knows it as a matter of fact. Everything 
has worked for good as yet; the poisonous drugs mixed in fit proportions have worked 
the cure; the sharp cuts of the lancet have cleansed out the proud flesh and 
facilitated the healing. 

Every event as yet has worked out the most divinely blessed results; and so, believing 
that God rules all, that He governs wisely, that He brings good out of evil, the 
believer's heart is assured, and he is enabled calmly to meet each trial as it comes. 
The believer can in the spirit of true resignation pray, "Send me what thou wilt, my 
God, so long as it comes from Thee; never came there an ill portion from Thy table to 
any of Thy children." 

"Say not my soul, 'From whence can God relieve my care? 
Remember that Omnipotence has servants everywhere. 
His method is sublime, His heart profoundly kind, 

God never is before His time, and never is behind.'" 

Evening: Obligation to Serve 
"Shall your brethren go to war, and shall ye sit here?" --Numbers 32:6 

Kindred has its obligations. The Reubenites and Gadites would have been unbrotherly if 
they had claimed the land which had been conquered, and had left the rest of the 
people to fight for their portions alone. We have received much by means of the 
efforts and sufferings of the saints in years gone by, and if we do not make some 
return to the church of Christ by giving her our best energies, we are unworthy to be 
enrolled in her ranks. 

Others are combating the errors of the age manfully, or excavating perishing ones from 
amid the ruins of the fall, and if we fold our hands in idleness we had need be 
warned, lest the curse of Meroz fall upon us. The Master of the vineyard saith, "Why 
stand ye here all the day idle?" What is the idler's excuse? Personal service of Jesus 
becomes all the more the duty of all because it is cheerfully and abundantly rendered 
by some. 

The toils of devoted missionaries and fervent ministers shame us if we sit still in 
Shrinking from trial is the temptation of those who are at ease in Zion: they would 
fain escape the cross and yet wear the crown; to them the question for this evening's 
meditation is very applicable. If the most precious are tried in the fire, are we to 
escape the crucible? If the diamond must be vexed upon the wheel, are we to be made 
perfect without suffering? Who hath commanded the wind to cease from blowing because 
our bark is on the deep? Why and wherefore should we be treated better than our Lord? 

The firstborn felt the rod, and why not the younger brethren? It is a cowardly pride 
which would choose a downy pillow and a silken couch for a soldier of the cross. Wiser 
far is he who, being first resigned to the divine will, groweth by the energy of grace 
to be pleased with it, and so learns to gather lilies at the cross foot, and, like 
Samson, to find honey in the lion. 

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