Daily devotions for 02-14-2005:
Devotion: Morning and Evening
Morning Title: A Daily Supply
Evening Title: Ignorant Faith
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Morning: A Daily Supply
"And his allowance was a continual allowance given him of the king, a daily 
rate for every
day, all the days of his life."  --2 Kings 25:30

Jehoiachin was not sent away from the king's palace with a store to last him 
for months, but
his provision was given him as a daily pension.
Herein he well pictures the happy position of all the Lord's people. A daily 
portion is all that a
man really wants. We do not need tomorrow's supplies; that day has not yet 
dawned, and its
wants are as yet unborn. The thirst which we may suffer in the month of June 
does not need to be quenched in February, for we do not feel it yet; if we have 
enough for each day as the days arrive we shall never know want. Sufficient for 
the day is all that we can enjoy. We cannot eat or drink or wear more than the 
day's supply of food and raiment; the surplus gives us the care of storing it, 
and the anxiety of watching against a thief.
One staff aids a traveller, but a bundle of staves is a heavy burden. Enough is 
not only as
good as a feast, but is all that the veriest glutton can truly enjoy. This is 
all that we should expect; a craving for more than this is ungrateful. When our 
Father does not give us more, we should be content with his daily allowance. 
Jehoiachin's case is ours, we have a sure portion, a portion given us of the 
king, a gracious portion, and a perpetual portion. Here
is surely ground for thankfulness.

Beloved Christian reader, in matters of grace you need a daily supply. You have 
no store of
strength. Day by day must you seek help from above. It is a very sweet 
assurance that a daily
portion is provided for you. In the word, through the ministry, by meditation, 
in prayer, and
waiting upon God you shall receive renewed strength. In Jesus all needful 
things are laid up
for you. Then enjoy your continual allowance.
Never go hungry while the daily bread of grace is on the table of mercy.

Evening: Ignorant Faith
"She was healed immediately."   --Luke 8:47

One of the most touching and teaching of the Saviour's miracles is before us 
to-night. The
woman was very ignorant. She imagined that virtue came out of Christ by a law 
of necessity, without His knowledge or direct will. Moreover, she was a 
stranger to the generosity of Jesus' character, or she would not have gone 
behind to steal the cure which He was so ready to bestow. Misery should always 
place itself right in the face of mercy. Had she known the love of Jesus' 
heart, she would have said, "I have but to put myself where He can see me--His 
omniscience will teach Him my case, and His love at once will work my cure." We 
admire her faith, but we marvel at her ignorance. After she had obtained the 
cure, she rejoiced with trembling: glad was she that the divine virtue had 
wrought a marvel in her; but she feared lest Christ should retract the 
blessing, and put a negative upon the grant of His grace: little did she 
comprehend the fulness of His love!

We have not so clear a view of Him as we could wish; we know not the heights 
and depths of His love; but we know of a surety that He is too good to withdraw 
from a trembling soul the gift which it has been able to obtain. But here is 
the marvel of it: little as was her knowledge, her
faith, because it was real faith, saved her, and saved her at once. There was 
no tedious
delay--faith's miracle was instantaneous. If we have faith as a grain of 
mustard seed, salvation
is our present and eternal possession. If in the list of the Lord's children we 
are written as the
feeblest of the family, yet, being heirs through faith, no power, human or 
devilish, can eject us
from salvation. If we dare not lean our heads upon His bosom with John, yet if 
we can venture in the press behind Him, and touch the hem of his garment, we 
are made whole. Courage, timid one! thy faith hath saved thee; go in peace. 
"Being justified by faith, we have peace with God."

Daily devotions for 02-15-2005:
Devotion: Morning and Evening
Morning Title: Praise in Prayer
Evening Title: Make Him Glad
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Morning: Praise in Prayer
"To Him be glory both now and forever."               --2 Peter 3:18

Heaven will be full of the ceaseless praises of Jesus. Eternity! thine 
unnumbered years shall
speed their everlasting course, but forever and for ever, "to Him be glory." Is 
He not a "Priest
for ever after the order of Melchisedek"? "To Him be glory." Is He not king for 
ever?--King of
kings and Lord of lords, the everlasting Father?
"To Him be glory for ever." Never shall His praises cease. That which was 
bought with blood
deserves to last while immortality endures. The glory of the cross must never 
be eclipsed; the
lustre of the grave and of the resurrection must never be dimmed. O Jesus! thou 
shalt be praised for ever. Long as immortal spirits live--long as the Father's 
throne endures--for ever, for ever, unto Thee shall be glory. Believer, you are 
anticipating the time when you shall join the
saints above in ascribing all glory to Jesus; but are you glorifying Him now? 
The apostle's words are, "To Him be glory both now and for ever."

Will you not this day make it your prayer? "Lord, help me to glorify Thee; I am 
poor, help me to glorify Thee by contentment; I am sick, help me to give Thee 
honour by patience; I have talents, help me to extol Thee by spending them for 
Thee; I have time, Lord, help me to redeem it, that I may serve thee; I have a 
heart to feel, Lord, let that heart feel no love but Thine, and glow with no 
flame but affection for Thee; I have a head to think, Lord, help me to think of 
Thee and for Thee; Thou hast put me in this world for something, Lord, show me 
what that is, and help me to work out my life-purpose: I cannot do much, but as 
the widow put in her two mites, which were all her living, so, Lord, I cast my 
time and eternity too into Thy treasury; I am all Thine; take me, and enable me 
to glorify Thee now, in all that I say, in all that I do, and with all that I 

Evening: Make Him Glad
"Whereby they have made Thee glad."        --Psalm 45:8

And who are thus privileged to make the Saviour glad? His church--His people. 
But is it possible?
He makes us glad, but how can we make Him glad?
By our love. Ah! we think it so cold, so faint; and so, indeed, we must 
sorrowfully confess it to
be, but it is very sweet to Christ. Hear His own eulogy of that love in the 
golden Canticle: "How fair is thy love, my sister, my spouse!  how much better 
is thy love than wine!" See, loving heart, how He delights in you. When you 
lean your head on His bosom, you not only receive, but you give Him joy; when 
you gaze with love upon His all-glorious face, you not only obtain comfort, but 
impart delight. Our praise, too gives Him joy--not the song of the lips alone, 
but the melody of the heart's deep gratitude. Our gifts, too, are very pleasant 
to Him; He loves to see us lay our time, our talents, our substance upon the 
altar, not for the value of what we give, but for the sake of the motive from 
which the gift springs.

To Him the lowly offerings of His saints are more acceptable than the thousands 
of gold and silver. Holiness is like frankincense and myrrh to Him.
Forgive your enemy, and you make Christ glad; distribute of your substance to 
the poor, and He rejoices; be the means of saving souls, and you give Him to 
see of the travail of His soul;
proclaim His gospel, and you are a sweet savour unto Him; go among the ignorant 
and lift up the cross, and you have given Him honour. It is in your power even 
now to break the alabaster box, and pour the precious oil of joy upon His head, 
as did the woman of old, whose memorial is to this day set forth wherever the 
gospel is preached. Will you be backward then? Will you not perfume your 
beloved Lord with the myrrh and aloes, and cassis, of your heart's praise? Yes, 
ye ivory palaces, ye shall hear the songs of the saints!

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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