
First of all, thanks for diving into this problem.
I try to answer below but bear in mind I'm doing it just from the head as
my laptop crashed this morning and I'm in the middle of trying to recover
from it what I can...

Fabrice Dewasmes said:
> Hi all,
> this mail should be of particular interest for David and Ate.
> A few days ago I posted msg15905.html entitled "Something weird happening
> with
> fusion/pluto". In fact the navigational state IS the cause of the problem.
> I'd
> like to have your opinion about how to workaround this as several
> solutions are
> possible. Before explaining the solutions, here is the problem :
> When you want to set the action of a form or have a link calling a portlet
> action you must use either a <portlet:actionURL> or use
> response.createActiontURL() method. This in turns calls the
> PathInfoEncodingPortalURL which extends AbstractPortalURL. This
> implementation
> of AbstractPortalURL adds a _ns:xxx element ni the request URL just after
> contextPath+servletPath (this is for example /jetspeed/portal/) and then
> appends the rest of the original request. This gives something like this :
> /jetspeed/portal/_ns:xxxxxx/media-type/html/user/admin/page/new.psml/js_peid/PXXXXXXX
> BUT the problem is that turbine reads the URL to get its parameter hashmap
> ready
> this way : first element after context path + servlet path is meant to be
> parameter name, and then URL is supposed to be constructed as an
> alternance
> between paramter names and parameters values. This means that if you have
> such
> a ("normal" jetspeed)URL :
> /jetspeed/portal/media-type/html/user/admin/page/new.psml/js_peid/PXXXXXXX
> the resulting hashmap will be :
> {
> media-type=html
> user=admin
> page=news.psml
> js_peid=PXXXXXXX
> }
> but it the case of the URL returned by pluto, eveything is mixed up
> because
> first element is navigational state which is not what turbine expects and
> has
> nothing to do with a key value pair. This leads to such a hashmap :
> {
> _ns:xxxxxx=media-type
> html=user
> admin=page
> js_peid=news.psml
> }
> and of course when jetspeed wants to get the profile, it uses the
> parameters
> found in runData object and searches for the page parameter which it
> doesn't
> find. Jetspeed then constructs a default profile, pointing to default.psml
> page. And this is why when you click on an action button in a JSR168
> portlet
> contained in a PSML page which is NOT default.psml you get redirected to
> default.psml page (which is of course not what we want).
> Now possible solutions are :
> - rewrite DefaultJetspeedParameterParser and override setRequest method so
> that
> it ignores the _ns:XXX element in URL (if it exists) and begins parsing
> right
> after. This is not very elegant and is clearly a workaround
> - Maybe configure pluto to use QueryStringEncodingPortalURL implementation
> of
> AbstractPortletURL so that ns is put as a paramter in the URL. But I would
> know
> how this is done in JSFusion and I don't know if jetspeed will be happy
> with
> this knew and unknown parameter.

I think for just testing out your solution, the last option is the easiest
and quickest to realize and test (in the end, the first might be the
better solution or maybe even another, but for that I'll have to
investigate this first).

Using the QueryStringEncodingPortalURL is configured against Jetspeed, not
You should be able to do so in the jetspeed-spring.xml under
WEB-INF/assembly. Lookup the NavigationalStateComponent bean definition.
One of the constructor arguments (I think the second) defined the
PortalURL implementation to use.

Just try it out. If it solves your problem we will try to define the real
solution after that.

Regards, Ate

> Question is : Ate and David what do you think about the best way to
> circumvent
> this? Do you think it's possible to tell pluto not to add the ns element
> at all
> ?
> Thanks for your help
> Fabrice
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