Hi Erzhuan,

you read my posting about the improved JSP portlet, didn't you? 

So you retrieved my code, didn't you? This code for a portlet using JSP is
capable to display the portlet's content using a JavaServer page.
Additionally it is also able to react on action events. I implemented it in
the way the Velocity portlets work. 

So if your URL includes ?action=doSomething and you specified an action
inside of the portlet-entry the method doSomething() of the action object
should be executed. The action object is tied to the portlet entry like
    <parameter name="action" value="portlets.MyAction"/>

Like that the class name for the action object is this one:

There is another thing:
I think you cannot directly access the portlet through its JSP page. So
don't insert a link like:

The link should be generated by the class PortletTemplateLink. In the
current version of Jetspeed this class is deprecated. But I don't know
anything about the new stuff.

hope that helps.

don't hesitate to contact me in case of further questions


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mike Zhou [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, September 11, 2002 6:49 PM
> To: Wimmer, Matthias
> Subject: RE: Question about Jetspeed JSP/Portlet
> Hi,
> I've read your email in the jetspeed user list.
> I created a simple JSP page and installed into
> Jetspeed following the instructions below:
> <portlet-entry name="HelloJSP" hidden="false" type="ref" parent="JSP"
>     <meta-info>
>         <title>HelloJSP</title>
>         <description>Simple JSP Portlet Example</description>
>     </meta-info>
>     <parameter name="template" value="hello.jsp" hidden="false"/>
>     <media-type ref="html"/>
> </portlet-entry>
> It works fine for me. I would like to pass some action
> parameter to the jsp page from the portlet, do
> something like myJsp.jsp?action=doSomething. I can not
> find any doc on the subjust.
> Do you have any suggestion?
> Thank, Erzhuan
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