Humm, that means that somwhere in your code you were already trying to a

Why dont you send the entire code content...

you cant use <jsp:forward page="<%= next_url %>"/>

and some other form of redirect as well

and if worse comes to worse try...

<META HTTP-EQUIV=Refresh CONTENT="0; URL=<%= next_url %>"/>

-----Original Message-----
From: Steen Bjerre Andersen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, September 23, 2002 4:57 PM
To: Jetspeed Users List
Subject: RE: Redirecting in jsp

That does not help. I still get  "IllegalStateException: Cannot forward
after response has been committed".
It seems like that I cannot use the response object from the RunData object.
When I try:

HttpServletResponse resp = rundata.getResponse();

it returns true. Maybe it is because I submit my form to the jsp page


-----Original Message-----
From: Anthony Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 23. september 2002 23:27
To: Jetspeed Users List
Subject: RE: Redirecting in jsp

I always use....

String next_url = ""; + soeg + "&hl=da&lr=";

<jsp:forward page="<%= next_url %>"/>

-----Original Message-----
From: Jeffrey Owens [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, September 23, 2002 4:24 PM
To: Jetspeed Users List
Subject: Re: Redirecting in jsp

I am also having the same problem. Is this a bug or are we doing something
 Steen Bjerre Andersen wrote:Hi

I'm trying to do a redirect in a jsp page, but I can't get it to work. Can
somebody help me out? I've tried response.sendRedirect(url) with no luck,
then I tried

String maskine=request.getParameter("mask");
String soeg = request.getParameter("soeg");

RunData data = (RunData)request.getAttribute("rundata");

if ("google".equals(maskine)) {
                data.setRedirectURI(""; +
                        soeg + "&hl=da&lr=");


I can get the values in the hidden fields in my form, but the redirect will
not work.



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