Jürgen Hoffmann wrote:

Hi David,

Has anyone successfully used OJB as his Persistence Layer in


I started writing a Registry service with OJB. Its in the cvs. Didn't

finish though, ran out of time.

How far have you been from finishing it? Is it worth to continue ist
development or start over?

Does anyone know if there are plans on moving to OJB? Turbine will be

moving to OJB. Another question. We have developped a full blown Turbine

Are you sure that Turbine is moving to OJB or is Torque being merged

with OJB?

I am quit sure 99,9%. I have read an artivle on the OJB Mailing list
written by the creator of OJB that he is in close contact with the
Turbine Guys and that OJB is supposed to replace Torque in the upcoming
Versions of Turbine ( Versions after 2.2 has finally been released ;) ).
As far as I know OJB still use Torque Funtionality for the generation of
Java Skeleton Classes. This could result into merging, but only for this
part, since OJB uses reflection to access the Objects.

turbine will have support for torque AND ojb in future versions.
i'm planning to seperate the generation part from torque and extend it to support both systems.
i'll also try to generate torque-style om/peer classes using ojb to make it easy to switch from torque to ojb .. but torque will be supported as long as there are people using it


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