> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jürgen Hoffmann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, November 26, 2002 9:16 AM
> To: 'Jetspeed Users List'
> Subject: AW: OJB
> Hi David,
> >> Has anyone successfully used OJB as his Persistence Layer in
> Jetspeed?
> > I started writing a Registry service with OJB. Its in the cvs. Didn't
> finish though, ran out of time.
> How far have you been from finishing it? Is it worth to continue ist
> development or start over?
> >> Does anyone know if there are plans on moving to OJB? Turbine will be
> >> moving to OJB. Another question. We have developped a full blown
> >> Turbine
> > Are you sure that Turbine is moving to OJB or is Torque being merged
> with OJB?
> I am quit sure 99,9%. I have read an artivle on the OJB Mailing list
> written by the creator of OJB that he is in close contact with the
> Turbine Guys and that OJB is supposed to replace Torque in the upcoming
> Versions of Turbine ( Versions after 2.2 has finally been released ;) ).
> As far as I know OJB still use Torque Funtionality for the generation of
> Java Skeleton Classes. This could result into merging, but only for this
> part, since OJB uses reflection to access the Objects.

Thats good to hear, since the users are all generating with Torque now, and
there must be a migration path.

> >> App. Is it possible to integrate this Application with Jetspeed? Is
> >> there any documentaion that I am overseeing?
> >Jetspeed is a Turbine application.
> >Not really sure what you want to do.
> >If you have velocity templates and actions, they should port easily to
> the Velocity portlet. Likewise for JSP templates, porting to the
> JSPPortlet. Or you >can just leave your application as is, and proxy it
> via an IFramePortlet or WebPagePortlet.
> Would that be create a new pane with the Turbine App as a name once
> Clicked on use the WebPagePortlet as a Container (Proxy)? This sounds
> exactly like the solution I was looking for.

When you say pane, are you speaking of a Jetspeed PSML pane?
I was simply suggesting that they were portlets.
Of course you can layout your pane to have one portlet per pane.
Lots of possiblities...


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