> -Where- are these things going on?
On the Jakarta members (PMC) list which is a "closed" mailing list, which I am not a 
part.  I come by my information through first hand sources, though.  This is where the 
voting in of new projects happens and where we have encountered trouble getting Pluto 
into Jakarta.

> How much "behind the scenes" is to be expected from an -OPEN SOURCE-
> organization like Apache?

Personally, I think it sucks!  But were people are involved, personal feelings and 
politics have a way screwing things up, hence the enormous delay on getting Pluto into 

Please don't shoot the messenger, I am just as frustrated as you if not more so.

* Scott T Weaver                    *
* Jakarta Jetspeed Portal Project   *

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Endre Stølsvik [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, September 26, 2003 3:57 AM
> To: Jetspeed Users List
> Subject: Re: Jetspeed2 planning
> On Thu, 25 Sep 2003, Weaver, Scott wrote:
> | From what I have heard, it's very close now.  I know, I know I have
> | said that before, but I have seen correspondence in Apache lately that
> | seem to point things actually being finalized.  What you might also find
> | interesting is that Pluto and Jetspeed may have a new home at
> | portals.apache.org, nothing is set in stone on that though.
> -Where- are these things going on?
> How much "behind the scenes" is to be expected from an -OPEN SOURCE-
> organization like Apache?
> Endre.
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