On Tue, 30 Sep 2003, Endre Stølsvik wrote:

| Apache is very wary of accepting any project - it should have a community
| and blah blah and whatnot. Why should it suddenly become so extremely
| thankful for -IBM- "donating" some piece of software?!  One -could-
| imagine that they were just "going for the feather", instead of sincerly
| aiming for a true open source development process and community.

And btw, you have "The Incubator" (read it with the low film-preview
voice like "Tha' Terminator")..

This is from a slightly heated discussion on "general incubator":

  "new code coming in to the asf comes through the incubator.  period."

  "and i believe the board will take a very, very dim view of any tlp
that tries to do an end-run around this by bringing in an outside
group of people and then subsequently importing their codebase."


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