Hello Yael,

As I understand your problem, the followinf info maybe helps…

You want to have at least two parts in the page: 
1.      Left part (xml portlet), this is a menu. (A portlet)
2.      Right part as a big window in which the content is shown (B portlet)
In the A portlet you use the XML = menu structure + XSL that transforms it to menu's 
The problem (as I understand you) is how to manipulate content from A to B.

You can look for the answer in the List.

And I have some idea. In the A portlet you might have some links like 
<a href="$jslink.setPortletByName('B').addQueryData('page','price')>Price</a>
It sends "page=price" command to B portlet and you can analyse
this info in the BAction.java class. In the action you can
set template by 


method for example.

Or you can use JSP template and include command as well.

Hope it helps

Andrey Almirov

ym> First, Thank you for answering me.

ym> My problem is that I want to have a XML portlet on the left, which is the
ym> menu, and we can go on differents portlets which are opened on the right.

ym> Can you help me ?

ym> Thank you by adavance.

ym> Yaël

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