Randy Watler wrote:

It would appear that these have not yet been released/developed. Is this
true? Are there any jetspeed2 commiters interested specifically in layout

Navigation is available in the CVS HEAD, I have been working on it for the past week and a half. Right now it is just links which will eventually be changed to tabs or menus or whatever sometime in the near future. You are more than welcome to use the tab assets found in the decoration directories, I will commit any patches you come up with.

In the velocity templates you can directly reference decorator assets like this:

<img src="content/images/tabmiddle.gif" />

There is a special servlet filter that handles locating and serving up those images based on the current set of selected decorations. However, I will need to move the tab* assets into decorations/layout/html/jetspeed/images for this to work correctly.

I have a fairly strong requirement to deliver with a Tab Layout capability,
so I have looked into  what would need to be done assuming that it is not
simply eluding me. Here are a few questions:

- I noticed while copying/building the jetspeed2 decoration deployable
customization example that there were "tab" graphic assets defined in the
images directory. Are these located correctly within a layout decoration and
can I expect these to be available when used from within a layout template?
I also noted that the customizer graphic assets for the MultiColumnPortlets
seem to be globally specified external to a deployed decoration... I assume
these are defaults and are indended to be overriden?

Eventually yes. Right now I am just trying to nail down the nuts and bolts functionality of navigation before I start messing with look and feel.

- The velocity templates for the MultiColumnPortlet/LayoutPortlet are
defined in the template directory. Are these expected to be deployable
eventually? I was wondering because I was tempted to try to turn off the
"customize" feature...

Yes they are. My current project has completely customized layout and portlet decorations.

- IFrames are also a requirement. Is it safe to assume that IFrame support
would be best implemented as a separate layout portlet that could be nested
in any layout portlet?

In what capacity do you need IFrames. I just finished implementing support for .link files that simply contain metadata describing an outside link and are stored right along side .psml files. I'm assure we could eventually build in the ability to open those links in IFrames also.

Thanks, any general hints/comments would be appreciated!

Randy Watler

*           Scott T. Weaver               *
*         <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>             *
*     <http://www.einnovation.com>        *
* --------------------------------------  *
*   Apache Jetspeed Enterprise Portal     *
*     Apache Pluto Portlet Container      *
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* OpenEditPro, Website Content Management *
*     <http://www.openeditpro.com>        *

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