
Thanks for the input! Comments below... 

>I will need to move the tab* assets into 
>decorations/layout/html/jetspeed/images for this to work correctly.

OK, cool. I'll look/poke at the navigation stuff. I think the tab assets are
already in place in the jetspeed portlet decorations directory!

>>- The velocity templates for the MultiColumnPortlet/LayoutPortlet are
>>defined in the template directory. Are these expected to be deployable
>>eventually? I was wondering because I was tempted to try to turn off
>>"customize" feature...
>Yes they are.  My current project has completely customized layout and 
>portlet decorations.

Can these be deployed now? How does it find the 'columns' vs. 'maximized'
*.vm templates for various layout portlets?

>>- IFrames are also a requirement. Is it safe to assume that IFrame
>>would be best implemented as a separate layout portlet that could be
>>in any layout portlet?
>In what capacity do you need IFrames.  I just finished implementing 
>support for .link files that simply contain metadata describing an 
>outside link and are stored right along side .psml files.  I'm assure we
>could eventually build in the ability to open those links in IFrames

I am not sure what the .link files are meant to tell jetspeed... but here is
what we are after: somehow render individual portlet contents through
jetspeed, (as maximized?), in response to client requests from an embedded
IFrame. Ideally, the IFrame encapsulation that provides the isolated update
would be invisible to the portlet. The reason this is significant in our
situation is 4+ portlets displayed on a page may be costly to render when
processing only the single portlet the user is working with is necessary. It
has occured to me that jetspeed may be using a caching technique to optimize
this kind of partial refresh. In any case, we just want to render the
"focused" portlet. Do we need IFrames for this with jetspeed?

Randy Watler

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