It would appear that these have not yet been released/developed. Is this
true? Are there any jetspeed2 commiters interested specifically in layout

I have a fairly strong requirement to deliver with a Tab Layout capability,
so I have looked into  what would need to be done assuming that it is not
simply eluding me. Here are a few questions:

- I noticed while copying/building the jetspeed2 decoration deployable
customization example that  there were "tab" graphic assets defined in the
images directory. Are these located correctly within a layout decoration and
can I expect these to be available when used from within a layout template?
I also noted that the customizer graphic assets for the MultiColumnPortlets
seem to be globally specified external to a deployed decoration... I assume
these are defaults and are indended to be overriden?

- The velocity templates for the MultiColumnPortlet/LayoutPortlet are
defined in the template directory. Are these expected to be deployable
eventually? I was wondering because I was tempted to try to turn off the
"customize" feature...

- IFrames are also a requirement. Is it safe to assume that IFrame support
would be best implemented as a separate layout portlet that could be nested
in any layout portlet?

Thanks, any general hints/comments would be appreciated!

Randy Watler

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