
While I was out walking the dog this morning, I realized
that I should probably clarify the difference between
the manager/manager and admin/admin logins. As you might
of guessed, the admin/admin login has the admin role. It
is granted global view/edit permissions in the file... so it can view everything on the
site the profiler allows it to see regardless of security
constraints. In contrast, the manage/manager login relies
on and is subject to the page and folder security
constraints in the demo configuration. So, the visibility
of the /Adminstrative pages is granted to admin/admin
by the global constraint and manager/manager by the local
constraints in /Administative/folder.metadata.

Niether admin/admin nor manager/manager have any profiling
locators or rules specified. As a result, they use the 'j1'
rule and have no customized content in /_user/admin or

You both probably already figured this out, but I thought
I'd share just in case!


-----Original Message-----
From: Randy Watler
To: Jetspeed Users List
Sent: 12/16/04 10:53 PM
Subject: Re: J2 Profiler


Feedback inline below...

Marina wrote:

>When user is not logged in, he is a guest user by
>According to the j1 profiling rule (???), pages for
>the guest user should be taken from the
>&\pages\_user\guest\ directory.
>However, since this directory does not exist, a
>default fallback (is that right?) rule is used and the
>default pages/directories are used:
Yes. The 'j1' search/fallback rule for '/some-page.psml' request for
using a 'html' browser in the 'en_US' locale would be:


Other search/fallback profiling rules are available for 'role-fallback',
'group-fallback', and 'role-group'. One can also define their own
custom profiling rules and assign them to users and document sets.

>When logged in as a user user:
>-- Everything from the &\pages\ directory is used;
>stuff from the \pages\_user\user\ is used in addition
>to that
>-- user-specific content comes from the
>&\pages\_user\user , for example, new .psml files and
>corresponding Tabs that are displayed for the user
>user only: 
>p003.psml --> [USER 003] PSML page tab
>nested-layout.psml --> Nested Layout tab
Yes. Most navigations that are specific to the user are prefixed with
a '[USER]' tag for this test case.

>-- user user also has the user role (I wish the
>names would be somewhat different :-) ). Additional
>user-role-specific stuff comes from the
>\pages\_role\user\ directory. It has only one
>directory - &\top-links\ , which is referenced from
> &\pages\_user\user\top-pages.ds file:
>  <title>[USER] Top Pages</title>
>  <profile-locator>docset</profile-locator>
>  <document-path
>(see questions on that below)

>When logged in as admin user:
>-- you see everything that the guest user can see,
>but in addition, you also see the Jetspeed
>Administrative Portlets link under the Folders and
>Pages header in the left-side menu
>-- there is also a top-pages.ds file in the &\pages\
>dir that defines this:
><?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
>  <title>Top Pages</title>
>  <metadata name="title" xml:lang="fr">Page
>  <profile-locator>docset</profile-locator>
>  <document-path>/Administrative</document-path>
>In addition, admin user also has the manager role,
>so the &\pages\_role\manager\ dir is used for the
>manager-specific content:
Actually, the 'manager' user does NOT use this directory because it uses
the default 'j1' rule. This directory content and its effect on
can be seen using the jetspeed/jetspeed login: it uses the
for 'page' profiling.

>the folder.metadata determines what is included into
>the page. It has:
>  <document-order>Administrative</document-order>
>My guess: this is why only a user in the manager
>role can see the Administrative Portlets link (is
>this right?)
No. Security constraints in the Administrative folder.metadata enforce
that. Document order is strictly used to control the ordering of
navigational elements... but only if they are otherwise accessible. All
documents that are explicitly ordered appear first. The remaining
follow sorted alphabetically. The first folder found according to the
profiling search/fallback rules with metadata that contains any document
ordering is used for ALL document navigations in the page.

>But then, the &\pages\_role\manager\folder.metadata
>also has:
>  <document-order></document-order>
>  <document-order>p001.psml</document-order>
>  <document-order>p002.psml</document-order>
>  <document-order>p003.psml</document-order>
>  <document-order>p004.psml</document-order>
>but none of them (links for .link and tabs for .psml)
>is displayed on the page.
>I would guess that all pxxx.psml are not displayed
>simply because they do not exist in the
>&\pages\_role\manager\ folder.
>What about the though? It does exist in
>the directory&
Again, these are not seen for manager/manager, but can by
Pages, links, and other documents are ALWAYS aggregated unless
filtered by profiling or security constraints.

>How are xxxx.ds files (docset definitions ??) and the
>role-specific folders (like &\pages\_role\manager )
>are related?
Document sets are populated using a specified profile locator name. This
name defaults to 'docset' and falls back to 'page' if not specified.
locator names are used to specify profiling rules for individual user
principals. Pages and other documents are always profiled using the rule
assigned to the 'page' locator name for the current user. If a user does
not have a rule assigned for 'page', the default 'j1' profiling rule is 

So, for the user/user login, 'page' is set to 'j1' and 'docset' is set
'role-group'. This means that the profiling search paths I outlined
for 'guest' are used to locate pages. However, the the document set
is assembled using these search paths from 'role-group':


If a user des not have a profile rule defined for a document set
the document set is ignored and is not added to the page navigation

>Do top-pages.ds  files under a \_user\username or
>..\pages\ directories always reference resources in
>the \_role\rolename directory? 
No. For example, the pages.ds document set uses the 'page' profile
locator which uses the 'j1' rule for user/user. Note that the
jetspeed/jetspeed user uses the 'role-fallback' rule for 'page', but
since the p*.psml pages exist in the '/' directory they still
appear in the document set ordered by the
document ordering. Yes, this is an obscure test case! In practice,
document sets are often used with the 'role-fallback', 'group-fallback',
or 'role-group' profiling rules.



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